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Pic From Dawson's Creek

Joey represents a lot of kids today who have dealt a hard hand by life early on. In spite of her 15 years, she's had to deal with her mother's recent death from cancer, and her father is in jail for selling grugs. She lives with her pregnant sister and her sister's boyfriend. Every Saturday night Joey goes up to Dawsons room from the ladder.

Dawson the handsome want to be a fimmaker, and idolizes Stepten Spielberg. Dawson is an only child. He is a very sensitive evolving and responsible role model. Dawson lives in a perfect life until his mother strats having a afair. Joey is his best friend, and he goes out with Jen.

Jen is from New York and cathes the eyes of Dawson. She moved here to help her grandmother and grandfather. She is tring to get a long with her grandmother but it is hard snice her grandmother want's to make her belive in god. Joey does not Jen because Jen and Dawson strats to go out with each other.

Pacey is one of Dawson's friend's. Pacey started flirting woth his Engish teacher and the begin to get involved with each other In resultPacey tels Dawson and someone over hears and the sorry get's out around the whole school so Pacey has to break it up with his teacher.
