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We aRe BaCK!!

Survive if we let you!

Welcome to H.C.W., Hardcore Championship Wrestling. This is H.C.W.'s Owner and Webmaster, Tom. My Assistant, Mike, also runs the site with me. Just a few warnings and messages - This fed is not for the weak of heart, or for girly men. This is a ROLEPLAYING fed, so you must ROLEPLAY. The more effort you put into this site, THE BETTER IT WILL GET. We have TWO events a week, Sunday Night Slaughter and Wednesday Night War. We will also have a Pay-Per-View towards the middle of each month. The matches are booked by me, and the winners are decided by me and Mike on how well you roleplay and your past statistics. The more you roleplay, the more I'll listen to your ideas, and the more success you will have. When you roleplay, I'd rather you write sense and get to the point, rather then blab about absolutely nothing for an hour. I WILL take requests for storylines, angles, matches, or ideas, but I will NOT take requests to win a match, you must roleplay.WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS!!

-3/18/00 - Guess what? We're back and with a new attitude!! I, Mike, have re-opened the fed with Rob, my assistant. We will being starting all new angles and champs and the first event will be Sunday, April 19. So start signing up if you weren't and if you're an ex-member...I'll assume you're still in and unless you inform me otherwise. Thanks.



HCW Rules

HCW Tips for Roleplaying

HCW Hall of Fame

HCW Roster

HCW Superstar Status

HCW Special Matches

Sunday Night Slaughter

Pay Per View- Follow the Leader

HCW House Shows

HCW Championships

HCW Event Schedule

HCW Injuries

HCW Rumors

HCW Roleplay Board

HCW Out of Character Board

Owen Hart Tribute

Other Links

World Champ
Ol' Dirty Bastard

Television Champ
Blue Meanie

Tag Team Champs

Xtreme Champ
Little R.

Results of Last Poll: 41% said that the Undertaker is the back bone of the WWF

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Since March 28, 1999
If you have any Questions, comments, or problems, Email one of us at WACKJOB81@AOL.COM or or click on the Email link below

WoMaN oF THe WeeK

Tammy Lynn Sytch

QuoTe oF THe Week
"You know what I hear when you talk Gino? Do ya really wanna know what I hear when you talk? Ok, hear it goes... BLAH, BLAH BLAH BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, ummm... BLAH BLAH!" Ol' Dirty Bastard


If you would like to hold our HCW Banner, Email me and I will give you the HTML clip.


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