*~Welcome to Ethan Frome's Homepage~*


 About Me
 My Favorite Links
 How I Made the Page

About Me

Name: Ethan Frome
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 1872
Address: Near Starkfield (2 miles away), Massachusetts, USA
Interests: I especially enjoy nature.  I also enjoy spending time with people
who share my interest (as in Mattie).  I enjoy going coasting, reading, and walking too.
Characteristics: taciturn, extremely responsible, young man who marries an older woman because of fear of being alone, no social skills, shy and naive, martyr complex.
Married to: Zenobia Frome. She is a 35 year-old hypochondriact.
Land owned: A large farm (getting deserted as I find it hard to look after the farm and Zeena!)
Children: None
Background: I am the most striking figure in Starkfield.  I am a tall, lean man with powerful blue eyes, I have great height, a careless powerful look, a lean head, and a shock of light hair.  I am bleak and I have an unapproachable face, somewhat stiffened and grizzled like an old man (even though I am not).  I had a smash-up which paralyzed my right side.  But I am still very punctual - I drive to the post office the same time each day.  I am not very communicative, and when I do speak, I answer in a low tone or monosyllables.  My silence is not unfriendly, and I am known by everyone in Starkfield.  I am simple and straightforward, kind and thoughtful.  I am poor with scarcely enough to support my family.  I am isolated and withdrawn.  My Father, Mother and Wife had many health problems.  I went to college for a year but had to drop out when my father died.  Zeena was the nurse who took care of my mother.  I married Zeena because I didn't want to be alone during the winter.  I have trouble communicating to her.  She is very moody because she is sick.  She likes to explore expensive, new medicines which I can barely afford.  Since we are so poor, we had Zeena's cousin, Mattie Silver, come live with us to help out with the housework because it's more economical than having a hired girl.  Ever since Mattie has come into my life, I have taken more pride in my appearance like shaving everyday.  Mattie understands everything I say about natural beauty.  I'm in love.


Mattie and I as we coast down Corbury Road

The elm at the curve in Corbury Road

A lonely road outside of Starkfield

The hill at Corbury Road


How I Made This Page

    First, I decided which character to make the page for.  I decided on Ethan Frome, since he was the main character.  I picked a blue background because he likes nature and the sky is normally blue.  Then I did some re-reading and compiled a short "About Me" section on Ethan, as if he was making the page himself.  Then I went and looked for good websites and pictures related to his interests.
    The first 2 links about nature were picked because he likes nature.  The 2nd one can help Ethan become closer to nature.  The Winter Sports one was selected because he likes to coast, or sled, and that is a winter sport.  He could also learn to like other sports that way.  I picked the On-Line Books Page because Ethan likes to read, and what better way to read than to get the books off the internet. The next site, Perfect Secret Affair, was chosen because Ethan was thinking about leaving Zeena and running off with Mattie.  That can be classified as an affair.  The site told how to make an affair work and how to not get caught.  It seemed to be meant just for him.  The final link was selected because Ethan owned a farm, which was starting to run down, and this site offers help to farmers in  Massachusetts.
    The pictures I selected represent some of Ethan's interests, and important objects in the story.  For example, the Elm tree symbolizes when Ethan and Mattie try to commit suicide by coasting into the tree.  The picture of Ethan and Mattie shows Ethans' love for Mattie, and how he has a good time with her.  The pictures of the snow-covered hills show his love of nature.
    These sites and pictures tell us about Ethan's hobbies and how he lives his life.  They let you get to know the character in a way other than reading the book.

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Note:  The photos used are not actual photos of the captions. This page was designed as a project for Honors English 2. Some information above is strictly opinion.