Jason Newsted

"I went to see Metallica when they came to Phoenix. It freaked me out. I stood in front of Cliff in total awe of the way he played. I became a fan instantly."

Physical Facts

Name: Jason Newsted
DOB: March 4th, 1963
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown/Red
Eye Color: Blue
Birthplace: Battle Creek, MI
Hometown: Kalamazoo, MI
Marital Status: Single

Musical Tastes

Fave Musicians: Bob Marley, Tom Waits, Steve Morse, Albert King.
Fave Bands: Metallica, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Voivod, Sacred Reich.
Musical Influences: Same as Favorite Musicians.
First concert: Ted Nugent, 1975, South Bend, Indiana, Notre Dame University
First Show with MetallicA: November 11th, 1986

Other Info

Heroes: Gene Simmons, Al Pacino, B.B. King, my father, Zach Harmen, Bob Marley
Describes self as: Energetic, caring, goofy
Hobbies: Quad-racers, Basketball, Music, Mountain Biking
Drives: '94 Land Cruiser, IBIS Titanium, Cyclocross bike
Sports: Mountain biking
Sports team: NBA: Phoenix Suns, Chicago Bulls; NFL: Detroit Lions, L.A. Raiders
Fave Movie: Scarface, Apocalypse Now, Good Fellas, and The Jerk
Fave TV: Andy Griffith, Discovery Channel, and In Living Color
Fave Actor: Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, Gene Hackman, and Robert DeNiro
Fave Actress: Ursula Andress, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Kim Basinger
Fave Book: Small Change, Metamorphosis, and The Stand
Fave Food: Seafood, BBQ, Thai Curry, Frosted Flakes, Bananas, Ginseng
Fave Drinks: Bordeaux, Barolo, barbaresco wines. Evian, Metrx Shakes
Turn On: Muscle Cars, My Girlfriend, and Loud Soulful Music
Former Jobs: Pizza Maker, Burger Flipper, Truck Driver
Former band: Flotsam and Jetsam, Dogz

"I still play music for the same reasons as when I first started; for the energy, the feeling, the interaction with others. Not for the money, ego or greed."