*~Mattie Silver's Place~*


 About Me
 My Favorite Links
 How I Made the Page

About Me

Name: Mattie Silver
Age: 20
Year of Birth: 1880
Original address: Stanford, USA
Interests: I really love nature.  I also enjoy spending time with people
who share my interest (like Ethan).  I enjoy going coasting, reading, and walking too.  I also enjoy dances and having fun!
Characteristics: young, flirtatious, outgoing cousin of Zeena, good listener, spinster, an orphan
Marital Status: Single
Background: I am a young, beautiful, sexy, kind, and vibrant woman who moves in with my cousin, Zeena Frome, and her husband, Ethan, in Starkfield.  I orginally lived in Stanford but I was forced to relocate after the death of my parents.  In exchange for room and board, I take care of the housework Zeena is too ill to do herself.  I live in the room which was once Ethan's study, and I pretty much keeps to myself. When I first arrived in Starkfield, Ethan was quite upset over my arrival.  He felt that I could do no good as far as housework was concerned, because I am very weak and ill myself.  I'm not very proficient as far as housework is concerned, and Ethan often has to help me complete my chores because I cannot complete the tasks myself.  Once a week, I go to the church social in town.  Zeena insists on Ethan picking me up and walking me home so I don't have to walk alone in the dark.  After a few trips, I realize I have many things in common with Ethan.  He talks to me about the beauty and wonder of nature, and I can tell my youthful, vibrant ways tantalize him.  I'm in love with a married man, and it's my cousin's husband at that.


The blue sled on the bottom left is the one Ethan and I use

The elm at the curve in Corbury Road

A snowy field outside of Starkfield

The rolling hills of Starkfield


How I Made This Page

    Once again, I decided what character to make the page for.  I picked Mattie, because she is more interesting than Zeena.  I picked a pink background because she is young, beautiful, radiates a certain "glow" about her, and loves nature.  Pink is that type of color.  I also re-read and made a short "About Me" section, as if she wrote it herself.  I then found websites and pictures to go along with her interests.
    The first website was chosen because Mattie likes to dance.  She always went to the church socials, and the site talks about a variety of Folk Dances.  I picked the second one because Mattie likes to read, and the site has many classic stories online.  I selected the third site about inspiration because Mattie has had a hard life, and Starkfield is a very boring place.  She needs something to get her through the days, and stay happy & healthy.  The fourth one about nature symbolizes her love for the outdoors and it will bring her closer to it, and she can be a better person.  The last one, How To Be A Housewife, was picked because Mattie was brought into the Frome house to help with the chores.  Yet, she cannot handle it and Ethan ends up doing most of the work himself.  This site will help her become more independant and Ethan won't have as much to do.
    The pictures reflect Mattie's interests and thoughts.  The sleds shows her love for coasting, the snow-covered hills show her love of nature, and the tree symbolizes her crazy idea of suicide.
    This page lets you get to know Mattie in a way other than reading the book.  It brings together the time period of the book and the period of the present.

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Note:  The photos used are not actual photos of the captions. This page was designed as a project for Honors English 2. Some information above is strictly opinion.