TV Show/Movie Quotes

Here are some quotes from my favorite TV shows and movies...this page is still developing...

"You don't get to choose, you just fall in love. And you get this person whose all wrong and all right at the same time. And it just works." - Party of Five

The Truth is Out There.
- The X-Files

Deny Everything.
- The X-Files

Trust No One.
- The X-Files

"Well, gee golly gosh. I sure am sorry I offended you, you white trash piece of $hit."
- Joe Don Baker, "Cape Fear"

O.K. Mulder, but I'm warning you: If this is monkey pee, you're on your own.
- Scully, The X-Files

No! Jorge, don't touch the red button... nojo on the rojo.
- Mulder, The X-Files

Mulder: Brought you a present... Superstars of the Superbowls.
Scully: I knew there was a reason to live.
- The X-Files