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Chapter 20

The Garden, A Few Minutes Later

Victor watched Maple Martienne as she walked across the mostly-bare courtyard. Even when she was sick, her walk...wiggled. There was no other way to describe it. Victor had to admit, it was a rather pleasing wiggle. His long strides effortlessly allowed him to catch up with her.

Maple grinned at him. “Bonjour! You know, this is tres dulche of you, taking me home like this. Even though I do not live far.”

“Well, you are ill at the present time. It's only appropriate. I have to find Sherwood, too. He was the one who discovered Abernathy's machination. I'm afraid there could have been foul play committed, possibly by those ruffians who were guarding the entrance this morning.”

“Oui, I am worried, too. Normally, I would say Scott is good at getting out of tight squeeze. But today, he is so tired, he would not be able to defend himsel...hims...achoo!”

“Gesundheit.” He handed her his handkerchief. “Here. Yours looks like it's about to fall to ribbons.”

“Merci.” She took his gratefully. “This cold came at the worst time! Although, considering what happened. I am almost glad I missed the show. I would rather be sick than silly because I am not awake.”

“It is extremely fortuitous that we happened to step in when we did. Elizabeth and the Crimson Blade wouldn't have been able to deduce Abernathy's scheme on their own.”

Maple blushed. “Victor, about the Crimson Blade...”

Victor went on, watching her. “You know, it's the strangest thing. My memories of the day of my return are still very hazy, but I do distinctly remember an individual who called themselves 'The Crimson Blade' swinging out of a tree and landing on my chest.” He gave Maple a small smile. “That Crimson Blade had a larger swelling in the breast area and was far more slender, with curves in very different areas than the one whom we encountered tonight.”

“Uh, oui. Perhaps he, uh, was in disguise?”

“I don't believe that's the truth.” He stopped at the door. “Miss Martienne, how did you happen to come to be employed by the inn?”

“By carriage. At the time, I work at a theater in Pittsburgh.”

“In what capacity?”

“Oh, it seat about three hundred or so.”

“No, I mean, what was your position there?”

“Usually I was positioned on stage right, a little off to the center, with the chorus.”

“And you answered an advertisement...”

She shook her head. “Actually, Scott told me. He said the original maid left, could you take her place? I could not resist. I was a maid in France before I come here to the colonies. I'd been working for a duke in Paris who thought I was tres belle. He was going to put me up in a nice house in Cannes, but mon dieu! It turns out, he already had a wife. I left for the colonies instead. I thought it would be safer.”

Victor touched her hand. “You deserve far more than that, Miss. You're commendable at your job, a talented singer and actress...” He smiled that sweet little smile that made him almost look like a boy, “and you're a courageous and charming Crimson Blade.”

Maple stepped back in surprise. “You know? How...”

“It wasn't that difficult to put the pieces together, once I was thinking clearly. There are two Crimson Blades. The man was far larger and brawnier than the woman. He spoke with an Irish lilt; her French accent matched yours perfectly. They didn't look at all like one another. It also would explain how the Crimson Blade was able to continue his activities, even after the Governor put a ridiculous price on his head. He had a confederate who aided him in pulling the wool over the eyes of the authorities.”

Maple looked in his cool brown eyes. “I thought all you cared about was the government and the colonies. You never seemed to notice the Crimson Blade, or...well, or moi. Even that night, when I land on you, all you did was tell me what I did wrong.”

“I was under hypnosis! My mind wasn't fully functioning at that time!”

“Or at any time.” She sneezed again. “I have been trying to get your attention since you return! You do not notice anything but your work! Do you not have any romance in your soul at all? Any feeling besides what we must do for colonies?”

He frowned. “It's true, Miss Martienne. I do get wrapped up in my work. But I do it for the Inn, and for Elizabeth, and all the Elizabeths and Maples in these colonies.” He took her hand. “I want us to be free to rule and govern ourselves. All men and women should be free, Maple. These taxes and rules that the King has imposed on us in the past few years are grievously and morally wrong. This tyranny must be stopped! Just as you use your weapons and your criminal endeavors to make that freedom a reality, I use words and speech.”

“Do you love Elizabeth?”

Now he was the one blushing. “Well, yes. I mean, I thought I did, but...”


“But I know she's upset over my having abandoned her, more or less, these past weeks. It couldn't be helped. I've had my work. She knows how I feel about it.”

“Oui. I do, too.” Her smile turned down quickly. “What do you plan on doing about the Crimson Blade? Are you going to tell police about us?”

He sighed. “I should. You are a criminal, and the Inn could use that reward.” He frowned. “However, that would be blood money. Your aspirations seem to be noble, even if the way you go about obtaining the money isn't. I could help you find a less criminal way of earning enough to aid the staff of the Inn and the people of this village and colony.”

“Merci!” She hugged him. “You have no idea how much it means to me that you keep our secret!” She turned on her enormous, white-toothed smile. “See you tomorrow, Monsieur?”

“Yes, Miss Martienne. I'll be here for a few days before I'm to return to Fort Pitt to begin more talks with the military garrison.”

Maple sighed. “I'll look forward to every minute.” She watched him go around the door to the men's quarters before entering the door to the women's. I'm going to have tres bon dreams tonight, and they'll all be about Victor Comstock!

The Lobby, Later That Evening

Mackie Bloom arrived at the Monongahela Inn just as the sun was sinking behind the trees and the Servants' Quarters. He was glad to see the old place again. He'd gotten letters from the others about some kind of big show they were putting on. He wished he could have gotten home sooner and seen it, but the carriage ride from Philadelphia had been held up by a sudden spring snowstorm. All he wanted was for a hot bath and a good meal, even if he had to lug the water all the way from the river and heat it himself.

“Gertrude?” He wasn't expecting the lobby to be so quiet. Usually, there was at least one or two other people milling around, or someone checking in. “Mr. Eldridge? Elizabeth? Maple?” The shadows that fell in the lobby seemed eerie in the waning afternoon sunlight. He was starting to wonder if he was the last person left in Pittsburgh.

“Hello?” He made his way into the main room...and what he saw there made him stop short, his eyes wide with horror. Hilary, Jeff, Mr. Foley, and Eugenia were all laying on the stage, unconscious. Mr. Foley did seem pretty happy pillowed on Eugenia's comfortable lap. “They're dead!” Mackie wailed. “They're all dead! Someone killed them! It's murder!” He looked around. “Don't tell me there's more British spies here! I knew it was a mistake to leave the staff all alone, without my protection!”

Jeff began to stir just as he climbed onto the stage. “Mackie?”

Mackie hurried over to him, his eyes wide. “Jeff? What happened? Why does everyone look dead? And why are you wearing Hilary's lavender dress?”

“It's a long story.” Mackie helped Jeff over to the edge of the stage. “Someone tried to sabotage the show. Scott told me. That's all I remember. I know things got pretty crazy towards the end. There was some man...Menlow, or something...who wanted to serve us papers from Pavla.” He looked around. “Where is Scott? And Elizabeth?”

“I have no idea. I came back to find no one around and all of you passed out.”

Hilary was groaning. “I haven't felt this horrible since the last time I had an all-night tea party with Prince John Barrymore. What was in that tea we drank?”

Mackie frowned. “What tea?”

Hilary and Jeff were bringing Mackie up to date when Elizabeth hurried in. “Thank goodness you're awake! Have you seen Scott?” She smiled at Mackie and gave him a hug. “And it's nice to see you back.”

Mackie grinned. “It's nice to be back, Liz.” His grin quickly turned into concern. “But what's this about Scott being missing? You look really scared, kiddo.”

Jeff just managed to get to his feet. “Scott's gone?”

Elizabeth nodded “We've searched everywhere in and around the Inn. He isn't anywhere. I'm afraid...” She stopped, her voice trembling. “Someone could have taken him.”

“Menlow.” Jeff looked at her. “Scott said Cribby Menlow is after him and Maple.”

Elizabeth frowned. “But why? Those warrants Scott told me about can't still be standing." She shook her head. “No, I can guess. The price on Scott's head. He was after the Crimson Blade.”

Mackie looked surprised. “Liz, you know?”

Jeff frowned. “How did you find out?”

She sighed. “I'll explain later. Let's just say I know who Scott is, and that he's in danger...and Maple's probably in danger, too.”

Hilary nodded, rubbing her head. “Elizabeth, was there something in that tea? My head feels like it's stuffed with enough cotton to fill every quilt in this hotel three times over.”

Elizabeth was telling them about Abernathy and Brumpton's deception when Victor strode into the room. He looked thoughtful, and perhaps a bit distracted. He smiled and went to Mackie when he arrived. “It's good to see you back, my friend. Your presence at the Inn has been badly missed.”

He saw Elizabeth open her mouth and shook his head. “No, I haven't found Scott. It's starting to get dark. We'll start combing the village for him in the morning.” He helped Hilary to her feet. “For now, you all need to sleep in a real bed. We still have an Inn to run.”

Victor helped Elizabeth climb off the stage. “Are you certain you're all right, Elizabeth? I know you're upset over Scott's disappearance. So am I. He had valuable information that needs to be reported to the police as soon as possible.”

“I'm fine, Victor. Just fine.” Victor didn't think the haggard look in her face reflected her casual tone. She was genuinely concerned for Sherwood's welfare, and not just because of the knowledge he carried. He knew Sherwood was rather fond of Elizabeth. It was hard not to notice how often he went out of his way to be around her. He wondered what would happen when they found him. Did he want him to stay? He could certainly use his help with the managing duties. On the other hand, he wasn't sure he liked Sherwood's attentions to Elizabeth. It was unseemly to fawn over a woman so blatantly. Then again... His eyes went to the windows that showed the back garden, and the servants' quarters. Miss Martienne is quite lovely herself, and far more intelligent than she'll admit. She did work undercover as the Crimson Blade for many months without being detected. That took some cunning. He finally shook his head. He had pamphlets to write and an inn to run. He had no time for romantic overtures. Not even to the Crimson Blade.

The Adventures of the Crimson Blade

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