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Like Finding a Needle In a Haystack

Disclaimer is on the Introduction page.

I always welcome any comments.

When we last met, Betty gave us some startling news. What was in that letter? How did Victor know about Scott? Let's find out.


"Betty, how can that be? I thought you said he was dead," said Kyle. This turn of events obviously puzzled the young man.

"I thought so, but this letter says differently. Part of it is from Scott and part of it is by Victor with an update," said Betty.

"What does it say?"

", just read."

Dear Betty,

As I write this I'm hoping that Victor will be able to escape and deliver this to you. All I want and dream of is to be home with you and our kids. I'm going to try to stay alive until I can get home to you. It's going to be hard to do, but I promise you that I will try my hardest to return back to you and to Anne and Andy. Don't lose faith in me.

I love you, Scott
P.S. Tell everyone that I miss them.


Contrary to popular belief, Scott is not deceased. He was fighting the war but was sent home and is somewhere in New York City. I do not know what his condition is or where he is exactly. I can't tell you how I came upon this information, but he needs you and loves you with all his heart. Betty, take care of yourself. I still love you.


"What are you going to do?" asked Kyle.

"I have to find him, but I also need to go home. Victor's funeral is in a couple of days and I have work to catch up on. Most of all, though, I need to see my children."

"Betty, you go back home and I'll see what I can do. When you come back I'll either know where he is or you can help me find him."

"Why do you want to do this for me?"

"You cheered me up when I was down and because we've become >good friends too, haven't we?"

"Yes, the best. How will ever repay you?"

"You don't have to. Just the feeling I get from helping you makes it all worthwhile."


Betty entered WENN a couple of days later. No one knew she was coming in that day. It all seemed normal. She headed to her office, since no one was there. She half-hoped that Scott would peek out the doors of Studio A, just like Victor did after he came back to WENN for the second time.

Gertie walked into the station. Today was Victor's funeral and Betty wasn't going to be there. She looked down the hall and saw a light on in Betty's office.

"Gertie, is that you?" asked Betty, peeking out of the office.

"You're home!" Gertie exclaimed.

"Yes, I am. I got home yesterday and spent the day with Anne and Andy."

"Betty, how are you doing? It must be hard to lose the two men you love most."

"I only lost one man."

"You've heard something about Scott?"

"I'll explain later when the rest of the gang gets here."


Everyone gathered around in the Green Room after the funeral. The military decorated Victor for all his help for the Allied cause. Betty went on to explain what happened in New York, but didn't mention Kyle by name.

"You mean Scott's alive?" asked Maple.

"Yes. He's somewhere in New York City. My friend is trying to find him, but it isn't going to be easy. I'll be going back when I get caught up with my work and spend some time with my children. Oh, would you look at the time? We need to get back on the air."


Betty sat in her office with Anne on her lap. Mr. Medwick was due for their meeting on a new show for him. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in. Hi, Mr. Medwick. How are you?" asked Betty as he walked into the office.

"Good day, Mrs. Sherwood," Mr. Medwick greeted her. He then noticed Anne. "Who is this adorable little lady?"

"This is Anne. Say hi, Anne."

"Hello, Anne! Where is your brother?"

"He's visiting Eugenia in the Green Room. Well, let's get down to business. You said on the phone that you had an idea for a show."

"Oh, yes. I thought that you could do a show dedicated to the men we have lost in this war or are missing in action."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. We could start with Victor Comstock. I believe a good time would be the 15 minutes after 'News at 8' on Mondays."

"It sounds great and it will be right after the war news." He looked at her nervously. "Nothing is going to go wrong, is it, Mrs. Sherwood?"

"How could anything go wrong?"

"It seems like something always does. Why don't you send me the contract tomorrow?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow, but I will make sure it gets to you. We can get started when I get back."


As Betty was about to board the train Mackie came running up to her. "This telegram is for you, Betty. It's from N.Y, so I thought it would be important."

"Thanks, Mackie." She opened it up and read it. "He's found!"

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