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Roger Davis....................................................Tony Vincent
Mark Cohen.......................................................Jim Poulos
Tom Collins.................................................Michael McElroy
Benjamin Coffin III........................................Jacques C. Smith
Joanne Jefferson............................................Kenna J. Ramsey
Angel Schunard................................................Jai Rodriguez
Mimi Marquez....................................................Karen Olivo
Maureen Johnson.............................................Tamara Podemski
Mark's mom and others..........................................Carly Thomas
Christmas caroler, Mr. Jefferson, a pastor, and others..........Byron Utley
Mrs. Jefferson, woman with bags, and others...............Shelley Dickinson
Gordon, the man, Mr. Grey, and others..........................Calvin Grant
Steve, man with squeegee, a waiter, and others.............Owen Johnston II
Paul, a cop , and others......................................Darryl Ordell
Alexi darling, Roger's mom, and others.......................Hallie Bulleit

one would think that my seeing the show for the third time in 10 days, i would have a two-line review for it. after all, how much can be said changes over 10 days? let's see...
my little sister (younger. i should say younger. after all she is already 16 1/2;) is here visiting from overseas and i was really hoping to take her to see my favorite show, and maybe even get lucky and have her see my favorite Mark:) well both came true and she even won us lottery seats!
on to the show -- i love sitting in BB103 since you can feel the band while you hear the cast singing - you can really feel it in your bones:) Tony was a significantly better Roger. with some work he will be really great. he was much more *with* the cast this time - they felt like one unit again. i still think his 'glory' needs work but that's just me. he looks much more appealing as a Roger from the second row than from standing room. when i can see his facial expressions and don't need to focus on his body signals as much, i can understand his character much better , if that makes any sense. i really enjoyed his Roger this time. both Tony and Karen did a lot of vocal improv's which were awesome - i had never heard them altered so much before(changing words in the songs as well). Jai's Angel is wonderful - probably the best i have seen. makes me feel like he is doing everything for his friends' benefit and truly living today 4 u. tony was quite convincing in 'another day' - so much in fact that he sang the following verse so it sounded like those were all actual words, though one of them should not be in your english dictionary(i think this was it):
"...another time, another place, the wor'perature would climb..."
yes, that would be the combination of worD and Tony Vincent himself. yet he made it sound so convincing that unless you thought about it, it made perfect sense;)
Karen was once again an awesome Mimi. Just awesome!
Kenna had some trouble getting the word engineer out in the tango scene but she finally did and she and Jim continued flawlessly:)
seeing the show 3 times in 10 days is just WIERD.
calvin did a really good gordon - he looked sick up there.
picture this - climax of what you own - jim drops the phone and ends up quitting his job while he's pulling the phone and trying to get the receiver off the floor. it would've been hysterical had it not been such a serious moment. ok so it kind of was - but once again Jim just went on as if nothing had happened:)
i enjoy him and Tony singing 'what you own'. they sounded much better though i do believe in their confrontation scene in 'goodbye love' Jim actually has more power in his voice than Tony which is quite amazing, coming out of such a small person.
one of my favorite moments in the song - 'another day' was mixed perfectly. absolutely perfect harmony and voices. amazing.
also, Hallie makes an excellent Alexi!
my sister and i could't stick around after the show for illness reasons which i'd rather not go in to but she claims she had a good time so it turned out well:)

my last review