Jim was kind enough to put up with me and answer my questions (THANK YOU JIM!!)...
**when were you born/birthdate?
**what state are you originally from?
California, San Francisco Bay Area
**when did you first begin to be interested in acting/theater/etc?
I've done it since the third grade, but I didn't get serious about it until my junior year in High School.
**when did you first appear in RENT? as who?
First appeared as Gordon 10-15-97 without any rehearsal or blocking from the stage manager. I had note cards that I made the week before, my first week, just watching the show.
**when did you first appear in RENT as Mark?
I don't remember the date, but it was in November sometime, I went on 6 shows in a row. I had a god awful hair color then. Kinda orange. Probably went on for Anthony 12 or 13 times, and I took over officially on Jan. 27, 1998. July 28, 1998 was the first day of my new contract. I'm signed on for another year.
**what is your favorite part of RENT? of Mark's lines? of Mark?
Favorite parts are: "the power blows" and the band kicks in big time! All of Tango Maureen, End of La Vie Boheme, Everything from Contact on to What You Own.
**what is most difficult in playing Mark?
Staying in the present. You can't get ahead of yourself.
**in what ways do you (if at all) resemble Mark or other characters?
I've been known to be a little detached. :) Good with gadgets. Observer, but participate at the same time.
**who do you think is the most difficult character to play in RENT?
Mark's up there. They all have their challenges. Angel, Mimi, Roger and Mark are probably the most challenging. But I feel it's impossible to say any of the parts, including ensemble are more difficult than the others.
**THE QUESTION: how do you do the 'jump-and-lie-down-on-the-table-thing' in La Vie Boheme?
I'm not sure. I just do it. By the way, this is a steal from Luther, via Christian Anderson.
**THE QUESTION #2: where did you learn to tango...? :)
With Nannette Himelfarb... :)