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Florida 2004 Trip Pictures! :)

I've put up some pages from my trip to Florida. July 4-9, 2004. I had tons of fun on the trip for a detailed explaination of what happened visit

Anyhoo here are some pictures!

This is Downtown Disney.

Here's the pic of the Lego Monster at Downtown Disney. It's really cool looking, check out the humps in the water.

This is me and Buzz Lightyear. I said later on that I should have been on the other side so it looked like he was holding me.

Here are some from the Hotel Grounds.

The infamous quad limo bike. This this was so much fun. That would be front row: me, Brenna; back row: Carol, David.

Here's pool #1. This one has spitting frogs.

Here's pool #2. This one has a waterwall and a statue of Shamu the whale, of which I said would be much cooler if it spit water. We then tried to come up ways in which it could spit.

This is what I saw when I sat or looked out on the porch.

Here are some pictures from the Magic Kingdom!

This is me with the painting of Presidents Regan and Bush. I took it for Bridget. ;)

Here I am with our President's head. The bust is kinda scary and it looks odd considering all the other presidents are paintings.

This is us girls; Carol, Brenna, and me with Mary Poppins and a Penguin. The Pengiun was scary, I think he was trying to hit on me. He was a little too happy holding on to my arm. ;)

Here are Carol and I with Cinderella's Castle in the background. I believe that it was a Kodak picture spot, you know one of those places where they tell you to take a picture.

On our way to meet Mickey we had to pass through his house and garden. This is a part of his garden or as I like to call it, Mickey's ass.

Another section of Mickey's garden. The math people will like the variety of pumpkin, i personally like the Latin.

This would be Brenna and myself with Mickey Mouse. Now I know why kids are scared of Mickey, he's a big felt mouse who is my height.

Here are some pictures from EPCOT!

This is me and the infamous EPCOT ball aka the big golf ball.

This is me as viking ghost on the viking ship outside Norway. Actually it's me wearing my poncho on the Viking ship.

Here is the typical florida afternoon garb, ponchos.

This is a picture from our mini-golf trip.

This is me on the mini-golf course. It was all about pirates!

crazy get me out of here