5/2/2000 |
Updates: Yes, I know, its been a long time. I just re-visited my site and realized how bitchin' it was, and also how out of date it has gotten. I'm going to try to add a dreamcast/Sonic Adventure page if I have the time, hopefully before I go away to college. Ah to be 16 again... I've also updated my personal info, no biggy. |
11/22/98 |
Updates: Added a link and some other things. Notes: Well I know I just beat the two months since I last updated. All of a sudden people started signing the guestbook and joining the webring and IMing me to death about Sonic, so as long as that keeps up, I'll start updating again. |
9/29/98 |
Updates: Added a table to the cheats page for better navigation. Each is a link to a part of the page. |
9/26/98 |
Updates: Joined the Sonic Exchange, and made my first banner. I don't think it's as impressive as some that I have seen, but I needed a banner really quick for the Sonic Exchange. I know I promised never to add advertisements on my page, but this is an advertisement for other Sonic sites, I think I am justified. |
9/23/98 |
Updates: Ran the main page through the chopping block, for all you frame viewers, you may have noticed it is super condensed. There really was no need for it to be as massive as it was before. Don't worry though, the main page for non-frame viewers is still jam-packed with my excellent graphics. |
9/22/98 |
Updates: I finally did it! I added frames to my page, giving it a navigation bar to the left. Now it is easier to surf my page. I got rid of the "Quick Menu"s, because they were deemed obsolete. My main page is just as obsolete, but I still like the graphics, and for people who cant view frames. I also added a banner/button section to the link page, and a section in the form to submit them. Also added some Mp3's to the tunes section. Comings and Goings: Soon I will add links within links to make navigation through one page easier. Eg: the cheat page would have a link to go directly to say Sonic Spinball, instead of the hassle of scrolling to find it. I am going to slowly but surely shrink the main page. |
9/21/98 |
Updates: Changed the BackGround to the main page, it is darker, yet still has that starry night feel to it. I think it makes the page a little more legible and easy to see. |
9/9/98 |
Updates: Added some links. Comings and Goings: Seeking out and adding Sonic MP3's! Look for them in the music section. Adding Fan Fic to the BSN site. Notes: Ending my first vacation from the page. School started, I get to work on the page, but Pre-Calculus comes first (even though in a perfect world Sonic would) |
8/31/98 |
Updates: Created the download page section of this site. Look for some past cool Sonic software to download. |
8/30/98 |
Updates: Gave the Blue Streak News site maps. Re-ordered it to be on seperate pages for more convenience. Adding a link to the link section. Comings and Goings: Look for a Sonic Download page really soon. |
8/27/98 |
Updates: Created the Blue Streak News, ready for syndicate! All you reporters out there, just submit a story/article, and it will get posted, and you will get credit! |
8/26/98 |
Updates: Added music from Sonic 3D Blast. Comings and Goings: Look for a new Sonic News page sometime soon, it will have up to date information on the Games and/or the Comic Books. |
8/25/98 |
Updates: Added to the music page; added music from Sonic CD (for PC) Updated the "Sega Online" link stub at the bottom of the page. Comings and Goings: Definately expect music from Sonic 3D Blast sometime soon. |
8/24/98 |
Updates: Re-organized the Tunes page for better navigation Comings and Goings: Adding more selection to the Tunes page, try to fill in the "Un-Availables" if possible. Notes: Today I was voted the #1 Sonic Site in the "Top Ten Sonic Sites" poll! Keep those votes rolling in! |
8/23/98 | Updates: Created the new "Sonic Tunes" page, updated the quick menu to fit the link. |
8/22/98 | Updates: Changed the look of the link page, added a few links and such. |
8/21/98 |
Updates: Just added the menu's to the top and bottom of the page. Re-ordered site order so it is more comfortable to look at. Got new pics for the sign/view guestbook. Got a new screen shot from Sonic "R." Added two sites to the webring. Comings and Goings: Soon adding menu to all pages for those who can't view frames. Looking into getting frames, and adding an area with the background music from the Sonic Zones. |
8/20/98 |
Updates: Converted all the pics from bitmap style to either jpeg or gif due to the fact that not everyone's browsers are equipped to view the old pictures on the site. Note to NetScapers, you may still have trouble viewing the cheats page and the webrings page, some of the "tables" may not come out right. Comings and Goings: Working on adding menus and changing some of the other pics. |
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