Letter to the UN Committee Against Torture November 9, 2000

Extremely Urgent

76 Market Street, Apt. D5
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861-4445
United States of America
9 November, 2000

Committee Against Torture
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Re: Unacknowledged, Unprocessed Complaint against Denmark and the Netherlands, dated 31 October, 1991 and reaffirmed 20 March, 1997.

Dear Committee Against Torture:

Please see the enclosed correspondence on your stationery dated 31 May, 1999. This referred to my "electronic messages" (not further specified) and stated "I regret to inform you that no communication coming from you has been registered with the Committee." The letter bears the signature of Carmen R. Ruesa, signing for Francisco Aguilar Urbina, Chief, Support Services Branch. It includes pages 32 through 38 of your Rules (CAT/C/3/Rev.2).

From the outset, I have nurtured grave doubts with respect to this letter's authenticity. It neither acknowledges nor addresses my many previous attempts to obtain information about my complaint, not even my Registered letter, Number R 791 117 257, dated 30 March, 1998. This and my other letters are listed on my web site at https://www.angelfire.com/nj/jhgraf/unsumm.html. Its text may be found at https://www.angelfire.com/nj/jhgraf/cat98.html.

On 21 April, 2000, I sent a letter to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (Priority Mail Global Guaranteed, mailing label No. EWO18778921US). Enclosed with it were notes made by Danish Immigration Police during my stay at Sandholm Refugee Camp, including those made on 4 December, 1991 by Ms. Susanne Jensen, ka. These acknowledged that I had supplied her with copies of my complaint of 31 October, 1991 submitted to your Committee and that of 4 November, 1991 to the Human Rights Committee. If questioned and confronted with this document, I am reasonably confident that Ms. Jensen would admit having seen and handled these complaints. I am not certain, however, about others in the Danish Government or in the United Nations Secretariat.

The incessant mental torture of "Marlin Fitzwater's Private Purgatories," probable assault with ionizing radiation and bio-chemical poisoning, and denial of effective medical care have taken their toll on my health (see "Marks of Torture" at https://www.angelfire.com/nj/jhgraf/marks.html on my web site). I may not live much longer. My fate, my pain and suffering, my humiliation and frustration are of no greater or lesser significance than anyone else's, but the issues I address are hugely portentous.

I once again insist that your Committee root out the corruption that has deprived me of my only hope. Restore the Rule of Law. Stop, and remedy, this discrimination. Acknowledge my complaint immediately, as updated in my communication of 20 March, 1997, and process it expeditiously.

I ask further that you invoke Rule 108.9, prevailing upon Denmark and the Netherlands to "avoid possible irreparable damage to the person or persons who claim to be victim(s) of the alleged violation." Rescue is the appropriate paradigm.

Yours truly,
(original signed)
James Henry Graf
E-mail: jhgraf2@earthlink.net or jhgraf_@excite.com
Phone (USA Country Code +) 732-324-7467