Letter to UN Committee Against Torture February 13, 1993

A hospital employee promised to mail this letter. Notice the deterioration of my handwriting. This was a result of the medical emergency that brought me to the hospital or something that happened to me -- or was done to me -- in the hospital. My handwriting continued to deteriorate for several months. It did not return to normal until 1995.

The images below are are scanned carbon copies of the original document. The formatted text appears below the scans.

The UN has never acknowledged it or taken any action.

Room 120
Van Helmont Ziekenhuis
Vilvoorde, Belgium
13 February, 1993

Committee Against Torture
Center for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
8-14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland


I am the author of a complaint before your committee dated 31 October, 1991, in which I charged Holland and Denmark with failure to investigate and with having committed acts of cruelty and degradation against me. I have not been able to determine whether you received that complaint.

I must now charge both Holland and Denmark not only with complicity in the original electronic torture and other cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment, for which the United States bears primary esponsibility, but also with acts of inhumanity, specifically, illegal forced repatriations from Denmark on 19 December, 1991 and from Holland on 1 February, 1993. I also charge Holland with deliberately provoking a life-threatening health crisis by depriving me on 1 February of my hypertension medication and by refusing to give it back upon my attempted return to Holland on 4 February. I was housed in a secure Dutch facility on the night of 4 - February - to 5 February and subjected to mental torture and possible poisoning and assault with radiation. The next day, I was denied re-entry into Holland, despite my valid American passport. As an alternative to forced repatriation, I was permitted to purchase an airline ticket to Brussels, Belgium, using, in the process, most of my remaining money.

On arrival at Brussels Airport 5 February, I reported to Belgian Immigration authorities that I wished to apply for political asylum and that I desperately needed to see a physician. After initial intake procedures as a refugee, I was examined by a physician at the airport, who sent me via ambulance to Van Helmont Hospital in Vilvoorde, where I am still a patient as of this writing. Here at the hospital, I have been given medications that actually aggravated my symptoms. When I asked what these medicines were, I was told lies. I am, in fact, a Prisoner of Conscience in Belgium. I am certain that Dutch and American authorities are responsible for this. The American-based electronic torture continues with ferocious intensity. Some or all of the chemicals with which I have been poisoned seem to have the purpose of rendering me more susceptible to it. My government and its puppets are trying to make me crazy in order to destroy my credibility. Slanderous character-assassination appears once again, as so often in the past, to have laid a groundwork for this systematic dehumanization. My life is in danger. In illegal broadcasts from my torturers in the United States, I have been threatened with castration, mutilation, psychosurgery, and acts of terrorism against loved ones.

I am a political refugee and torture victim who is not permitted to escape the de facto jurisdiction of the United States. My money is gone. Almost all my possessions have been confiscated. I am not permitted to regain my health so that I may pursue my asylum application here in Belgium. I am not permitted any sort of effective advocacy.

My circumstance is most urgent. I may never get out of this place alive. Please help me.

Yours truly,
(original signed)
James H. Graf
U.S. Passport Number

P.S.: I have reason to believe that a young 10-year-old girl from Bethanië Refugee Camp in Rijsbergen, Holland may also be here in the hospital and may also have been tortured. I knew her as Jalilah from Afghanistan, but her real name may be Mxxxx Rxxxxxx. Please help her.

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