Letter to the Working Group of the UN Human Rights Committee September 25, 2000

No response was ever received.

Extremely Urgent!

76 Market Street, Apt. D5
United States of America
25 September, 2000

Working Group
Human Rights Committee
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10

Subject: Unacknowledged, unprocessed, unresolved complaints. Situation is desperate. Please, please call a halt.

Dear Working Group:

I have attempted many times to follow up my complaint against Denmark, now nearly nine years old, and my four-year-old complaint against the Netherlands. My communications are listed at https://www.angelfire.com/nj/jhgraf/unsumm.html on my web site.

I have not been able to obtain any information regarding the reception, admissibility, or processing of these complaints.

Enclosed are new, signed originals of my letters dated 4 February, 2000, 7 March, 2000, and 23 June, 2000. I fear that none of these reached you. Please see also my letter dated 21 April, 2000 to the Office of the High Commissioner. Its mailing label was EWO18778921US. Like its many predecessors, it has prompted no acknowledgment, response, or action.

Having attempted three times to escape from the United States of America, having been three times subjected to coerced repatriation, I am a hostage in my own land, held in what amounts to incommunicado isolation. My communications either fail to reach their intended recipients or else are corruptly ignored. I am a "non person," with whom nobody will cooperate, for whom nobody will advocate. I cannot obtain legal representation. Non-governmental organizations ignore my plight. An unacknowledged "prisoner of conscience" in the USA, I am "confined to a village" by malicious bio-chemical attacks upon my physical health and deliberate withholding of appropriate, effective medical treatment. My health is very poor. I cannot now travel out of my community, nor can I care for my home and myself sufficiently well to preserve my dignity.

All my life, I have believed in the United Nations and its goals. Please demonstrate that my faith was not misplaced. Take up my complaints at the Human Rights Committee's 70th Session, which runs from 16 October to 3 November, 2000. Please call a halt, requiring Denmark and the Netherlands to rescue me from the hell into which they thrust me in flagrant violation of international law.

You can reach me as follows:

James Henry Graf
76 Market Street, Apt. D5
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861-4445
United States of America
E-Mail: jhgraf2@earthlink.net or jhgraf_@excite.com
Web site: https://www.angelfire.com/nj/jhgraf

Yours truly,
(original signed)
James Henry Graf
