Dr. Roger Wood and Dr. Rosalind Herlands at Richard Stockton College. Thank you for sharing your vision with us.
Mr. John Rokita and the college interns who salvage terrapin eggs from crushed shells. You have shown us the meaning of dedication, even when faced with hungry gnats and curious students during terrapin releases.
Tador Whitman at The Wetlands Institute, Stone Harbor, NJ for his patience and willingness to adapt to our class schedule during our distance learning sessions.
Mrs. Lynch, Family and Consumer Science teacher, for you advice and support during our chocolate terrapin fundraiser efforts.
Mrs. Lichtenstein, 7th Grade Science, for your collaboration and initiative. Mr. Reagon and Mrs. Snyder, 7th Grade Science, and Mrs. Para, 7th Grade Shop, for your past collaboration in our cross-curriculum activities when we first started this project.
Student webpage designers, photographers, and reporters for your assistence in the creation of our Terrapin Troubles website.
Mr. Miller, Principal, and Ms. Meagher, Supervisor of Instruction for taking the time from their busy schedules to offer enthusiastic support.
The Jordan Road School Parents' Group for their financial support and encouragement.