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Cool sounds!

Dawson's Creek Sounds!!!!

From one of my favorite TV shows, Dawson's Creek here are a few sound files. Just download them and enjoy the sounds of Dawson Leary, Joey Potter and the rest of the gang on your computer!

Foreign Bed
Dawson's philosophy on Speilburg
Explain Yourself
Joey Don't!

Our Emerging Hormones...
Wow, you look
I'm enjoying my misery
Clap hard Dawson....
I can not and will not kiss that cretian!
Perment Disability

Seinfeld Sounds!

Hello Newman... Hellow jerry
Shove It
Sorrys in a sack
Yadda, yada, yada
Ansering machine message (This is awesome!)
I got Jiggy with it!
No soup for you!

So I Married An Axe Murdurer!

Just showing everyone what an awesome movie "So I Married An Axe Murdurer" Is, here are a few sound clips.

float away you fairy!
Shut it!
Oh, I hated the Cournel....
How could you hate the cournel?
Head, pants now!

Other stuff!
Speech (this is one of the best monolagues ever in a movie. It's Bill Pullman in Independance Day.)
Austin Powers
Pissed (Cartman from South Park!)
Hippie (South Park again.)
Porkchops (This one is from the Brady Bunch.)
Whatever guys! (Cartman from South Park!)
Whop Et.. (Independance day)

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Chicago Quotes Simpsons Mystery Showcase Movie Scripts Sound Clips! Cartoon of the day! Are you an idiot? Take the idiot test to find out! Ad-lib Crazy fun! Cool Links

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