In a Land not far from the Wandering Fairies..
Lives a Sister Queen to, Queen Lady Mystic!!
Together they Sit among Family...
With Pride and Grace..
They will try to live up to..
The Honor *SMILE* That was bestowed to them

So they do claim.... Love & Smiles
Throughout The Site Fights Land!

Thank You All for this Beautiful Honor *SMILE*

Now onto The Court *SMILE*

Thank You Princess Lady Jane *SMILE*

Lady Lisa *smiles* @ Queen Lady Mystic

Thank You Wandering Fairies
It was an Honor to be among all
The Lovely Ladies *SMILE*
What a Wonderful Time it was!

Thank You Princess Lady Jane *SMILE*

Two wee friends made a solemn pact,
if ever separated, they'd show,
union of their friendship, a glow.

One mornful morn the separation,
when Faerielands glow became dim,
human's no longer believed in them.

Lost to generations was fantasy,
the love of a Fae's heart within,
migration to America was to begin.

Europe, Asia, Africa and an Emerald Isle,
where our True Believers, our glad "Irish"
brought four leaf clovers and a wee smile.

They also brought a light, given to a Fae,
she places it in guestbooks, to light the way,
for her dear brother, who is the other Fae.

Writen by: Our King Faerie Keeper *SMILE*

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Page Done By: Lady Lisa Angel