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Presented to Lady Lisa,
The first ever Top Dog's Wow Award.
Thank you sweetie for all that you do
not only for The Cherubs team and me
but for the entire Sitefights.
We love you sweetie. Hugs.
Top Dog

OMG! Thank You! Top Dog
You have made me Speechless LOL *HUGS*

I Love Gramma Hugs Gifts *S*
If you like to send a gift, Please
click on the image.
You will love this place!
Lady Lisa gives this site a 100%
must see!

I Love this Doll! Thank You Sweetie!

The Site Fights Blooming Baskets
Send a Blooming Basket!

*SMILE* Thank You! Lady Glimmer

Thank You Sweetie *SMILE*

Recipient: Lady Lisa Angel
Awarded by: Cheerleader JoynGezus
Because: She is so awesome! She is always
going way and above her call of duty.
She really has a heart for everyone.
She is always sprinkling her support
and love to everyone. She is loyal and
dedicated to the TSF.

Awwww Thank You So Much Sweetie
For this Honor! *SMILE*

The Site Fights April Showers
Send an April Shower

*SMILE* Thank You! Quill Noel *HUGS*

Thank You Maverick, Your a Sweetie *SMILE*

Thank You Quill Noel! *HUGS*

Recipient:Lady Lisa Angel
Awarded by: onerose1947

Because: For outstanding support with
those ~smile~ emails daily and words
of encouragement she writes from the
heart, not just as a team assistant
to top dog but because she has a concern
for all fellow human beings.
Lisa has often gone beyond
the meaning of supporter and
I would like to see an award
given to her, because to me the meaning
of support has a wide range,
it can mean a fellow fighter who
signs books and VE with you, It can
mean a personal sharing when one is
going through a rough day,
it can be that hand to hold or
shoulder to cry on.
Lisa fills all the shoes.........

Thank You Donnalee *HUGS* What an Honor *Tears*

Page Made By: Lady Lisa
Personal Touch, My hand LOL

Guestbook by The Site Fights