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LinkExchange Member

South Jersey Lymphedema Support Network

(Information below is solely from a booklet received from and written by The Lymphedema Assoc. of Australia, Inc.)

(Click on blue links for more information.)

What is Lymphedema?

Causes of Lymphedema

When does Lymphedema occur, and how rapidly?

Regions affected



Prevention: General Do's and Don'ts

Signs of Infection

Skin Care Suggestions

Send us E-Mail(click on frog below)

Send us E-Mail

Lymphedema Questionaire

Lymphovenous Canada

How about Lymphedema in Australia?

Bosom Buddies

Sally Jobe

Lymphedema Support Group of Greater Boston

A Link to more Links - Wow!


Choose your favorite search engine and do a search of "lymphedema" or "lymphoedema". Spellings vary in different parts of the world.

Shihtzumom's Home Page

Page accessed since Jan 12, 1998

Webpages by C. Walsh