Clerks: His First Masterpiece

Clerks is a touching movie without a plot. It is about a guy named Dante whose life pretty much sucks. He has to choose between two girls, and he also has a shitty job as a clerk in a convenience store. So he goes on all these adventures which include a funeral where his friend tips over the casket, playing hockey on the roof, and one girl Caitlin accidentally having sex with a dead guy in the Quick Stop's bathroom. In the end, he realizes that he loves Veronica, his girlfriend, but she is pissed off at him because his friend Randall told her he was in love with Catilin. Veronica breaks up with Dante, never to speak with him again, and his heart is broken. A fight ensues between the guys, and they go home to start another day, Dante hoping to rectify the situation with Veronica. All in all, this is a good movie. It was Kevin Smith's first film, and I think his second best. The movie was edited severely from its script; in the script Jay (he and Silent Bob are also in this movie but play less significant roles) is much more drug oriented. One quote is "I got hits, hash, weed, and later on I'm gonna have shrooms." Also, a druggie needing money kills Dante in the end of the script, whereas in the movie the movie just ends. Kevin Smith experiments with the apathetic ending in this movie, when the movie just ends. Personally, I think it would have added a bit more depth to the movie to have it end in Dante's death, because it shows that his life sucked, he was gonna try and fix it....but then he died. Oh well.

I'M 37?!?!
My love for you is like a truck berserker...
My love for you is ticking clock berserker...
One time I called this girl mom
Noich Noich Noich
Bout the biggest pair you've ever see, dingleberry
In a row?
Man I feel good today Silent Bob...
I believe firmly in the philosophy of a ruling class


Jay and Silent Bob Dancing

Clerks Links

Official Clerks Page
Lorne Bregitzer's Page: The awaited
Jon Oransky's Page: Good for sounds and images, but no movies
Mallrats and Clerks: It's got the Chant Sound
The official Clerks Drinking Game (use responsibly)
The Clerks Script (txt format)

