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Proposed bye-laws to be included in the Policy, Organisation and Rules regarding management of adult resources in the Mauritius Scout Association



The Association has a DUTY OF CARE to all members of the Movement and their parents/guardians to ensure no member is exposed to physical or emotional harm.

The Association shall ensure when recruiting and managing Leaders and other persons in control of or in contact with young people that this duty is exercised.

All Leaders are accountable to exercise this duty on behalf of the Association at all times.


The authorised person in charge of an activity shall exercise the duty of care on behalf of the Association and parents or guardian.Leaders planning an activity for which they do not have the prescribed qualifications to exercise the responsibilities of the authorised person in charge shall obtain an appropriately qualified person to conduct the activity. That person shall conduct the activity to the requirements of the Association and shall be the authorised person in charge of the activity.


Section Headquarters shall be responsible for promulgating rules for the conduct of activities which give effect to and are consistent with the policies of the Mauritius Scout Association.


Activities undertaken by members of the Movement fall into the following categories:

  1. DAY TO DAY activities cover the normal program activities undertaken by the various Sections.
  2. ADVENTUROUS activities shall be defined by each Section Headquarters, based on the appropriate community standards for activities requiring leadership by persons with prescribed qualifications and/or experience.
  3. PROHIBITED activities shall be defined by each Section Headquarters at its own discretion, and shall be binding on members of the Movement registered in that Section Headquarters.

Adult Leaders, in meeting their duty of care, are required to ensure the health care needs of youth members are managed in order to control risk and minimise harm

  1. Where youth members have short or long term health care requirements which may impact on their involvment in Scouting activities, adult leaders are expected to meet their duty of care by undertaking a health care planning process.
  2. Adult leaders are obliged to render first aid and emergency assistance to youth members consistent with their level of training. In every instance, first aid/emergency assistance is a strategy to support the health and safety of young people while awaiting professional medical assistance.
  3. Legal guardians and their medical practitioners should be encouraged to minimise the medication/treatment required during Scouting activities
  4. Youth members should be encouraged to take responsibility, commensurate with their age and stage of development, for administering their own medication/treatment in non-emergency situations.


1. Adults provide leadership to young people and facilitate their development by:

2. Adults shall employ a management method and style which reflects the following: 3. Adults are appointed to defined roles for fixed terms not exceeding three years (except at national level)  in a specific formation e.g., Commission, Specific District or Group.
4. Uniformed appointments are specified in accordance with the functions performed and the responsibilties of the position. They are classified as Commissioner or Leader
a) Commisioners provide leadership and management in: b) Leaders provide leadership and facilitation of the development of young people by: 5. Non-uniformed appointments are made to:

a) Discharge specific responsibilities and accountabilities.
b) Ensure good practice in governance and strategy development.
c) Support Commissioners and Group Leaders in ensuring the ressources of the Association (people, physical and financial) are developped and deployed in accordance with the strategic and operational plans of the Association

This code of conduct is expected of all adults, uniformed and non-uniformed, who work within the Movement, recognising that at all times they should act responsibly and exercise a duty of care to the youth members.

  1.  Adults in Scouting respect the dignity of themselves and others.
  2.  Adults in Scouting demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility, recognising that at all times their words and actions are an example to other members of the Movement.
  3. Adults in Scouting act at all times in accordance with Scouting principles, thereby setting a suitable example to all.
  4. Adults in Scouting do not use the Movement to promote their own beliefs, behaviours or practices where these are not compatible with Scouting principles.
  5. Adults in Scouting act with consideration and good judgement in all interpersonal relationships both inside and outside Scouting.
  6. Adults in Scouting respect everyone’s right to personal privacy at all times. They take special care where sleeping, changing of clothing, bathing and ablutions are associated with any Scouting activity.
  7. Adults in Scouting avoid unaccompanied and unobserved activities with youth members wherever possible. Remember, "in singht - out of hearing".
  8. Adults in Scouting for their own protection, should avoid potentially compromising situations by ensuring, where reasonably possible, that at least two adults are in attendance whilst supervising and/or accompanying youth members. It is recognised that, in certain circumstances, it may be necessary for a Leader or adult, whilst acting responsibly and exercising their duty care, to be alone with a youth member.
  9. Adults in Scouting realise that bullying, physical or verbal abuse, neglect or any type of abuse, is unacceptable conduct by any member of the Movement.

1. The Association has adopted a process for the management of adults with the following elements:

2. The District Executive Committee is responsible for administering the process in the District

 Adults shall be recruited to carry out specific roles in accordance with criteria developed for the role, including:

 Prior to completing an application for membership, an initial competency check shall be undertaken.

 Applicants for adult membership shall sign an application for appointment which
(a) involves commitment to:

(b) provides an authority to make enquiries concerning suitability for appointment
(c) contains an agreement to undertake training and personal development

 The mutual agreement is a formal document defining the realtionship between the applicant and the Association, and consists of a completed application for appointment and details of the Association’s commitment to the applicant, as follows:

The mutual agreement is entered into by the applicant and the responsible manager (e.g. GSL, District or National Commissioner) and endorsed by the District Personnel Committee or other Association nominee.
At district level this nominee may be the ADC Leader Trainer and Development or the Adult Ressources Development Commissioner at National Level. The mutual agreement is finalised after suitably checks and leads to appoint and membership of the Movement.

 As part of its Duty of Care to young people, parents and guardians, the Association shall satisfy itself that applicants are suitable role models for young people and are not likely to expose them to physical or emotional harm.
 The suitability checks shall be for the specific role and shall include character, referee and any other appropriate enquiries.
 Provisional appointment is made by the issue of a certificate of Adult Membership which authorises a limited leadership role under supervision. Appointmen is confirmed by the issue of a Certificate of Adult Leadership. The form of these Certificates shall be that recognised by the Mauritius Scout Council and shall show the name of the individual and the appointment.
 The nationally accredited Association training and development program provides a structured scheme for the development and understanding of Leaders in the values of the Movement, and their competencies in Leadershiop and program delivery.
 The program provides for recognition of  achievement of competencies by the issue of certificates and uniform insignia at defined stages such as the Gilwell Woggle and the Wood Badge.
 Members of the Training Team, which comprises Instructors, Assessors and Trainers, are appointed to design and lead courses within the National Training Program.
 The Association provides the following support through both its uniformed and non-uniformed organisation:

(a) Program and activity publications and resources
(b) Personal, technical and program assistance
(c) Administrative and promotional assistance
(d) Physical facilities
(e) An environment to assist the upholding of fundamental principles and values and imparting then to young people.

 The review shall encompass training and personal development, role performance, support and personnal satisfaction. it shall be jointly carried out by the adult member and the responsible manager (e.g. GSL, District or National Commissioner) at regular intervals, and at least once three months prior to the completion of the appointment term.
 The purpose of the review is to provide an opportunity for an adult member and responsible manager to discuss in a semi-structured way issues impacting on the performance of the adult member’s role and opportunities for future development and service.
 Depending on the attributes and desires of the adult member, and the needs of the Movement, options including renewal of existing appointment, reassignment to a different role or appointment, or retirement from adult membership of the Movement shall be canvassed and initiated.
 It is the aim through this process to come to a common understanding and agreement.
 The minimum requirement for renewal of an appointment is satisfactory performance in the role and the adult member’s continued ability to meet the selection criteria for the appointment.
 Reassignment provides opportunities for:

(a) the Movement to benefit from the continuous growth of its adult memebrs
(b) adult members to undertake service tasks consistent with their growth, experience or varying personal needs and time availability
(c) the rebuilding of teams to ensure their ongoing vitality, viability and effectiveness.

In the event that reaasignment is agreed as the preferred option and cannot immediately be given effect, the adult member may retain continuity of membership by:
(a) Taking up an alternative reassignment not exceeding one year.
(b) Joining a Scout Fellowship such as the Friends of Baden Powell.

Retirement may occur by resignation of the individual adult member or failure to agree upon a renewal of appointment or reassignment on the completion of the fixed term of an appointment.

Continuity of membership in appropriate circumstances may be obtained by joining a Scout Fellowship.

1. In its youth sections the Association makes provision for young people below the legal age of adulthood (18 years) to work with Cub Scout Packs and Scout Troops.
 These young people shall be appointed in accordance with criteria developed for the role, including:
· communication skills
· relationship skills
· belief in Scouting values
· desire to do the job
· specific task related activities
Appointments shall be within the following age ranges:
Cub Scout Instructors: 15 to 18 years
Scout Helpers: 15 to 18 years
1. The Association may provide training courses to directly assist young people to develop the essential competencies to carry out the role. Appointment can be made from within the Scout Group or at District Level. Adult instructors and helpers can also be appointed at discretion of Group Scout Leader or District Commissioner. Visiting adult instructors can also be invited on occasional basis.
 The appointment procedures shall ensure the Association discharges its Duty of Care to parents, guardians and the members of the Section.

1. Districts shall follow procedures already established in these Rules and Regulations to facilitate the management of adults, through establishment and proper operation of a Personnel Appointments Committee.
2. The procedures shall  be applied to ensure that situations are resolved speedily, and with natural justice to parties.
3. The procedures cover:
(a) Summary dismissal, when the Association’s Duty of Care is infringed, or actions bring the Association into disrepute.
(b) Discipline of members in the event of misdemeanours or infringement of the Code of  Conduct.
(c) Conflict resolution in the event of disputes between members of committees.
(d) Resolution of grievances of members.

4. The Certificate of Adult Leadership (or the Certificate of Adult Membership) shall be withdrawn if the member’s actions have infringed the Association’s Duty of Care, or have brought the Association into disrepute.