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Youth Sections

Cub Scouts at a parade during the 7th National Jamboree, in 1995

Youth members of the Association are organised in four sections depending on their age:


The Cub Pack is made up of boys and girls aged between 7 and 11 years. A Pack is made up of a maximum
of six teams of six members each known as sixes. The oldest member of the six is normally called a Sixer
and is responsible of the six. A Cub Scout Leader (or Akela) has the charge of the Pack assisted by one
or more adult leaders.

The Cub Scout Programme

This programme covers different aspects such as:Scouting Skills, Scouting with nature, Health and Sanitation,
Physical Development (Sports and Exercises), Scouting Spirit, Spiritual Development, Citizenship, Education
and Literacy and Family Life Education. The programme is developped with the arrow badges such as : Bronze
Arrow, Silver Arrow and Gold Arrow. The Profficiency Badges aims at giving some basic personal skills to the child.

Scout Section

The Scout section is for boys and girls aged 12 to 16. Scouts are organised in Patrols according to the
Scout method with each Patrol under the responsibility of one older and more experienced adolescent. The
Scout Troop is led a by a Scout Leader and at least one Assistant. In case of mixed Troops, one adult leader
must be female. The Patrol Leaders' Council is the decision making body of the troop where the programme of
activities is decided according to recommendations of the Youth Programme and under adult supervision.

The Scout Programme

The Scout programme takes back the same activity areas as the Cubs at a higher and deeper level.
The programme consists of three levels: Scout Award, Explorer Award and Chief Scout Award.

Venture Scouts

Young people aged between 16 and 19 can be members of a Venture Scout Units. The programme of the Unit is
adult-oriented and self governing in concept but still under an experienced adult supervision.

Rover Scouts

The Rover Crew welcomes young adults aged 20 to 25. The programme is more service oriented towards the community
and the younger scout sections of a Scout Group


Last revised: June 30 1998

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