Linkapoolza Issue 12

Sent out on June 26, 1999, Saturday.


Welcome everyone to the 12th issue of Linkapoolza! Yes, I have been doing this for 12 straight weeks. Pathetic, isn't it? No, actually it's a lot of fun! Is everyone enjoying the first week of summer? Summer began on June 22, and it has been beautiful outside ever since!


Anyway, I just want to tell everyone to visit my (And Lisa's) The Adventures of the Mulder and Scully Pretzels page. Lisa has added a few new episodes, including Episode V Mulder and Scully Plant A Garden and Episode VI, Mulder and Scully GO FIshing

We have a bunch of epiodes that will be added soon, so keep checking back during the week. Also, send me some feedback on this. Do you have any ideas for episodes, endings or ways to kill Fowley??? And suggestions? I am thrilled and elated to get email about my X-files page because I don't get much about it!

Okay, now onto the links!


Believe it or not Butt Typing is a very important skill. Yeah, it's true. This handy dandy little site will explain, not only how to Butt Type but how to tell your future through fortune telling skills from butt typing. Ralph Puke - The Art of Butt Typing


This site contains jokes, pictures, sounds and all sorts of stuff that is funny Well, check it out yourself to see: FUNNY SOUNDS


This site is sort of interesting. ALl you do is type in a word or two, maybe your name. It will then Figletify it. If you don't know what that means, (Hey, I didn't) Go to the site and try a test run. There are many designs to chose from. WebFiglet


Why didn't we see it before? We were BRAINWASHED as kids, peacefully watching the smurfs, humming along to that cheerful theme song. And only now, years later can we spot the truth. That underneath all those happy blue creaters was a deeper message. COMMUNISM!!! That's right, Papa Smurf was the leader of a tightly knit communist group! It's extremely scary but, I think it needs to be said: Papa Smurf is a Communist



Everyone knows where the dancing page craze started, right? It started with That is bascially what every other dancing page is modled after. Except no one has yet modified the hampster dance. Well, now all that has changed with: The Genetically Modified Hampster Dance

See those annoying hampsters dancing with blue and green fur and radioactive eyes. Double the fun, triple the annoyance with that same ear cringing song! After you've had fun at that site make sure you check out: HOW HAMPSTERDANCE STOLE MY SOUL This site is very funny, explaining in an entire history how hampster dance is evil, and steals souls.


As always, make sure you check out my dancing sites! July 4th is coming up, so visit my The 4th of July March page! Send it to a lot of people in honor of the fourth of July... it's approaching quickly!

And the old favorite, Jerimiah Was A Bullfrog:
Jerimiah Was A Bullfrog


Thanks everyone, I hope you have a great weekend!!! By the way, I have redone my mainpage, what do you think? Is it easier to read? The music is from Back to the Future in case anyone was wondering. Well, have a wonderful week!

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My dancing Page, Jerimiah Was A Bullfrog

My other dancing Page, The July fourth March

The Adventures of the Mulder and Scully Pretzels

Chicago Quotes Simpsons Mystery Showcase Movie Scripts Sound Clips! Cartoon of the day! Are you an idiot? Take the idiot test to find out! Ad-lib Crazy fun! Cool Links

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