Linkapoolza Issue 14

Sent out on July 11, 1999, Saturday.

Hello All!!!!

I hope that you are enjoying your weekend so far. How is everyone's summer so far? I'm sure that everyone is equally as happy as I am that it's vacation! Anyway, I hope that you scroll down and check out this weeks links. I even added stuff to my webpage. Visit them, and see if you like them or not.


I have two updates on Linkapoolza this week. The first is called My Ad-lib room

The Adlib room is where you can go to create your own wacky story. Simply fill in a few wacky words and you come out with a completely original tale by you :) Check it out.
I have also changed my "Crazy Fun" page around and renamed it "Quotes 'N Stuff" Quotes 'N Stuff!!!

On this page you can listen to "American Pie" by Don Mclean, change the background color, view several humerous funny quotes... basically just waste time :) I'm trying to put more fun stuff on this page, so if you have any suggestions or ideas email me and tell me. Also, I have a cartoon page, with two cartoons on it that change daily. You can check that out by clicking here: Two Cartoons of The Day!!!

One more thing, you know how I usually tell you to visit the archives to check that week's nesletter? This time really go there, I put flashing links in that change colors, and I'm thinking about doing it to other parts of my site. But I'm not sure if it's annoying after awhile or cool. So, even just for curosity's sake, go to Issue 14 Archive and check it out!


Okay, this site is bizarre! Someone sent it to me and I checked it out. It's kind of like a maze, almost. Click on one of the abstract doors and from there you keep clicking on stuff- it's interesting, I guess. It's at a site called Bulleye. CAVE

Here is a section of the site called Cave. I didn't have a chance to check out the entire site, I only visited two sections. But if you thought "Cave" was interesting, go to the main page which is here: Bullseye Art


Are you an Al-oholic?? Stop and think. When you hear that famous song "Gangsta's paradise do you think about amish people and milking cows? No? okay then, When you think of Michael Jacksons Tough guy 80's videos does food and fat guys come into your head? Getting closer? Okay, one more. "Like a Surgeon..." If you still don't know that I'm talking about "Weird-Al" Yankovic and his parody songs than you must be living behind a rock! Check out this site for all things all: Al-oholics Anonymous- The Weird Al Web Page

And if that's not enough to wet your whisle visit this parody of Yahoo! Also for Al. It's so close to Yahoo you'll forget it's a parody site! Yankovic!


Personally, I hate cliches. They frustrate me. "You can't have your cake and eat it too!" Come on! What's that supposed to mean? Besides its so unoriginal when people continuously use it! "A Penny for your thoughts" is another one two. People love splutting these out. The only cliche I like to use is "Whatever floats your boat!" simply because I find it very corny. Of course, I'm sure a few other cliches find themselves into my daily speech. Anway, my ramblings have a point. Wouldn't it be great if you could find any cliche in the world just by searching for a single word? THink of how much you could annoy your good friend Meg! Besides, if you need some new cliches because that cake one is REALLY old then THIS IS THE PLACE TO GO!!!!! Cliche Finder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have a feeling this is one site the guys will skip over and the girls will love! It features a new famous Hollywood boyfriend each week. The site is run by someone named Meg (Not me!) Make sure you scroll down to check out the Ex-Boyfriends of the week. Just to give you a taste of who that might be: Harrison Ford, James Van Der Beek, and Kevin Klien are a few of them. It's a neat little site- check it out! The Boyfriend of the Week Page


Calling all Hilbilies! This is the site for you! It's called: Arkansas

And it has all the fun of a hillbilly page and more! Enjoy dancing people's pictures, the Arkansas accent (Well, through typed words...) Stop by the Arkansas jokes page where you can find out things like "25 ways to annoy a Yankee" The constant banjo playing will make you feel like you were placed out on a farm somwhere in- well- Arkansas!


Go "APE" over this dancing page! (Oh, come on, I'm allowed a corny pun every once in awhile :) Dancing chimps, monkeys, apes, name it and they're here! Check out the dancing monkey's page here: Amy's MONKEY SHRINE!!! for more monkeydancing fun go here: Monkey Dance


Well that's all folks!!! I don't want to overload you with pointless stuff to do. This should be enough to keep everyone occupied until next Saturday! I would like to ask right now if anyone has their own website that you think should be in linkapoolza, please reply to this email and send it to me! Also, if you don't have your own site but have a favorite website that is kooky, crazy, interactive, basically Linkapoolzaish (Yup, I just created my own word. What power!) please hit "reply" and send it to me!
Thanks, that's all for now,
Meg Callaghan

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My dancing Page, Jerimiah Was A Bullfrog

My other dancing Page, The July fourth March

The Adventures of the Mulder and Scully Pretzels

Chicago Quotes Simpsons Mystery Showcase Movie Scripts Sound Clips! Cartoon of the day! Are you an idiot? Take the idiot test to find out! Ad-lib Crazy fun! Cool Links

Hey!!!!EMAIL ME!!!!