Linkapoolza Issue 18

Sent out on August 28, 1999, Saturday.

Hey Everyone! :)

Another week has come to an end here in late August. And that means for college kids down to preschoolers that another year of books and school is upon us. To celebrate (???Why celebrate? But go with me here...) this momentous occasion, we here at Linkapoolza, (Okay, ME here at Linkapoolza) have decided to do a back to school issue. Now, this is fun for all ages, not just the kids, so scroll down even if you aren't attending school within the next few weeks. To kick things off I have a quote that I came across, no it isn't mine, and I thought it was funny and true to my life:

Here's the quote of the week: Instead of having 'answers' on a math test, they should just call them 'impressions', and if you got a different 'impression', so what, can't we all be brothers?


Sharpen those pencils and get out the erasers, it's quiz time!!! But don't start groaning yet, these are actually cool quizzes. For instance, Could you star in a summer blockbuster? Take the quiz to find out? There are tons of cool quizes including "Which Decade Suits Your Personalitly" I was surprised with the decade I came up with. "How anxious are you?" "Are You Original" "How's Your hygiene" "Are you a good date" The list goes on and on, so get there before the teacher does and get started on the answers! Quiz Central


"The broadest misconception about college is that it's all about academics. Sure, that's a factor, but a minor one. Higher education isn't just about being a dork and going to classes. College is all about life. It's about living on your own, in a tiny dorm room with some geek who takes his or her pog collection a little too seriously. It's the first time in your life when you'll have to fend for yourself, without someone around to remind you when to eat or sleep." Stop on by The quiz "Are you ready for college" and this is the introduction you will see. Check out this quiz, it's a classic from the link above: Quiz of the Week


It's that time of year again! They're going back! Who hasn't seen that Staples commercial where the father and the two kids are getting school supplies??? It makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it makes you cry again when you realize the harsh reality of school starting soon.... Anyway, has a special newsletter devoted to the most horrible time of the year...well, 2nd only to the terrible winter months, going back to school. At least you can laugh at the craziness of this page before sharpening those pencils and preparing for sleep marathons during boring classes. Ooze #6 Back to School Issue


I thought I would slip this one in, it's amazing, the computer monitor will actually take your picture! Yep, sitting there in your house your computer will take your picture and let you see the picture you took, even if you don't have a camera built in on your computer. It's scary what they can do with technology these days, isn't it? I advise that you check this out, it's pretty funny and realistic. Get your picture taken! This really works


Have a book report to write but don't want to read the book? Or you've read the book and need a valuable study guide? Well don't rush out to the store to buy Cliff's least not just yet! Now you can visit and basically use a virtual cliffs notes. Such books as 1984, The Great Gatsby, and A Farewell To Arms are all on this site! So stop on by Sparknotes


Find out how smart you are at this innovative site. All you have to do is count how many F's are in a specific sentence. Sounds easy right? But it's easier said then done. See if you have a below average IQ, normal or genius simply by how much you pay attention when you glance over a sentence. How many F's....


Last and least in the Back to School Special Edition is a tribute to Geeks everywhere. Visit geekculture and be entertained for a long time. You can download funky screensavers like the Mulder and Scully one (Only you have to pay for that, and since I'm cheap, I won't buy a screensaver. But I'm sure someone out there would want a X-files screensaver.) There is also Geek Erotica... where PC's get dirty! Stop by the geekstore for some shirts and insult and amaze your friends by sending them E-cards for geeks! (I would have sent one to my friends but it would have taken too long. Sorry :( This is a site that a subscriber sent to me, thanks! Geek Culture welcomes all geeks and wannabes (even nerds). ~


Keeping up with the Blair Witch Craze, here is a Blair WItch Dancing Page. It's terrifyingly scary... well not really. Check it out though The Blair Witch Dance Page


How would you like to get free gift certificates for doing next to nothing? Sound good? Well, I took advantage of this offer and now I have a 50 dollar gift certificate on its way in the mail for Tower Records. (No, I am not kidding!) You can get money for all kinds of stores, music, sports, entertainment, clothes...whatever. All you have to do is go to and sign up using the URL below. If you do this I get free points which means more money for me :) Then, once you are a member if you refer people you'll get points. If you don't like it you can quit right away, but it's really a great program. At least go to the link and check it out: My Points Signup Page


That is all for this week, I must get back to the Insane Asylum, have a nice week and I'll cya next weekend!

PS As always make sure that you visit the Arcives. This weeks archive is at: Linkapoolza Issue 17

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The Adventures of the Mulder and Scully Pretzels

Chicago Quotes Simpsons Mystery Showcase Movie Scripts Sound Clips! Cartoon of the day! Are you an idiot? Take the idiot test to find out! Ad-lib Crazy fun! Cool Links

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