Sent out April 22, 2000.
Hi Everyone,
Make sure you stop by my Jerimiah Was A Bullfrog site: Since so many people e-mailed me asking me for the lyrics to that song, I went on a search looking for them. So, now, when you visit the Bullfrog site, you can click on a link that will get you the lyrics to that song:
Jerimiah Was A Bullfrog
There is some fun stuff in this month's issue, so what are you waiting for? Scroll down and let the fun begin!
Oh, and this month I'm putting in an inspirational quote I found and liked:
“You must do the things you think you cannot do.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Also, foward this newsletter to a couple friends and encourage people to sign up for the newsletter so we can get more subscribers!
Remember to visit the Linkapaloozawebpage at:
If you are stressed out, overanxious, psychotic or just hate fish then you've gotta get yourself on over to the Stress Relief Aquarium ASAP! Remember the 1st version of Torture a fish???? Well, they have expanded on it, which means MORE TORTURE AND MORE FUN! You can chill him to the bones, or boil him like in a sauna... this is one fish that will keep taking your meanness. So bring it on!
There's something... disturbing about this... how do they make chocolate easter bunnies? Well, you can make your own by choosing ways to capture the bunny, fill him up with your favorite chocolate-like interior and coat him with either dark or light chocolate. Bunny killers! Be nice to the bunny... don't try to torture him too much! (If you want to do that go torture the fish in the above link)
Love movies but haven't got the time to watch them? Need a quick summary before heading out to the local Blockbuster? Well- summary is an exaggeration. Movie-A-Minute is about 3 sentances that sum up the whole movie in about 5's an example of Patch Adams:
Bob Gunton: Study medicine so you can help sick people.
Robin Williams: Medicine schmedicine. There's nothing a clown nose won't cure.
(TRAGEDY strikes.)
Robin Williams: I'm sad, but now that I've seen a butterfly I can put my sorrows behind me. (does something funny)
See how quick and painless that was? If you're even lazier, stop by the condensed book site... Book-A-Minute, where long, rambling classic novels can be condensed into one sentence and still make sense:
Useless Knowledge! One can never have enough of it! This site is overflowing with tons of unimportant tidbits of information! There's random quotes (oooh, I love those!) quizes, trivia, phrase orgins... Find out how kissing started, what boogers are made of, and why we have daylight savings time.There's also a Today in history, where I found out that I was born on a day with a blue moon! (A blue moon is the 2nd full moon in the same month- which I didn't know either.) There is so much at this site it's impossible to list it all! Go see for yourself!
Also at the above site is the phobia page. Find out the name for your phobia! Or just go here to see how many phobias there are. It's unbelieveable! Ever hear of "paraskavedekatriaphobia: fear of Friday the 13th"? What about "anglophobia: fear of England, English culture, etc" How does that scare someone? If you have anglophobia email me and tell me what's so scary about English culture. I can see how it could be boring, but scary? Ooooh, one more, then I'll stop, I promise! Do you have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia??? (That is the longest word I have ever seen in my life!) Want to know what it is? You're gonna laugh. It's the fear of long words! Just saying "I have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" would probably scare that person into an early grave! Okay, I've had my fun with this, go to this site! Some of these phobias are way out in the deep end!
This site has it all! Visit Tommy's Funny World for the best jokes, riddles, humorous observancies, pictures, downloads.... it's all here! You can find anything funny by going to this site!
This site is absolutely hysterical. It's my favorite type of fun site- there's lots of little buttons to press and make it do different crazy things. But in the center of it all... is Paul! Make Paul dance! To the Peanuts themesong (Snoopy!) music, to the BeeGee's, or to other silly songs. The best part is that you can change the background! Put him in front of the White House, in a club or in other fun locals. This site is a worthwhile waste of time! Hmmm, that's an oxy-moron isn't it?
Check out the worst of the worst! The most unpopular websites ever created! The belly button fluff collection which was created in 1978....not a single visitor since! Not only that but the least popular search terms! This stuff shouldn't even be allowed to be on the internet! Check it out!
Finally, more of a quick joke is the next two links: The Female Brain and The Male Brain. Just a humorous little comparision. It's amazing how many differences are in the same amount of space... enjoy these quick links!
Well, I'm outta here! Hope you enjoyed this month's issue, see ya in May! -Meg
PS As always make sure that you visit the Archives. This weeks archive is at: Linkapalooza Issue 25
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