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Linkapalooza Issue 26

Sent out June 4, 2000.

Hi Everyone,

I know, this is May's newsletter and I'm sending it out in June. Oh well, so I'm a little late? There is still plenty of fun sites this week, so scroll down and enjoy!

Remember to visit the Linkapalooza webpage at:

Meg's Linkapalooza


Quickly, I would like to ask everyone to stop by the mypoints signup page to get great free stuff just for visiting websites! My points


Need a jolt? Need some free coffee instead of forking over your hard earned money to those huge coffee chains that seem to have a shop on every corner? Anyway, stop by the virtual caffeine site for your fill! (If you have AOL, this won't work with your browser, so try Internet Explorer or netscape instead.) Virtual Caffeine!


You know what it's time for??? A dancing page! Yes, we haven't had one in months so I thought I'd refresh everyone's memory and stick one or two in this month. First up is Ferris Bueller Dances Off! Don't leave your cheese out in the wind, instead cut school and get yourself over to the dancing Ferris page! Ferris Bueller's Dance Off!

Also, make sure to see Adam Sandler, dancing away as Billy Madison! The Billy Madison Dance


Talk to Kurt Cobain through the underworld! Yes, Kurt's alive and kickin' at the Kurt Cobain Magic 8 Ball Site. You get a chance to ask him pointless 8 ball questions, and you even get to hear sound clips from him in response to your querys. So, go ask him the meaning of life.... or something about Nirvana... he'll cheerfully answer you and I'm sure you'll be entertained: Kurt Cobain's Magic Talking 8 Ball


As long as we're on the whole asking stupid questions to fake people...(But come on, you know the question doesn't even matter, it's just worth seeing what tricks the website has up its sleeve) visit the Witch of Endor! Ask a question but be prepared for her harsh response! Be sure to listen to the song they have playing on the answer page, it makes the whole thing funny. Also, notice the careful placing of the "Wicked Witch of the West" from the Wizard of Oz picture. The Witch of Endor Homepage


Who wants to DUNK a millionaire?!? Come on, you know you're insanely jealous of these people that win more money in 15 minutes then most people make in a lifetime, here's your chance to take out your frustrations- by dunking them! If you aim carefully, the softball will miss the target and hit them on the head. Check it out: | T-Bone's Who Wants to Dunk a Millionaire


Go celeberity stalking!!! Grab the camera and drive past the homes of the stars! (Just make sure no one punches you out if you have that camera!) Click on the links that tell you where the stars play, live, shop, dine and many more! See Madonna! See Tom Cruise! See the Hard Rock Cafe! It's amazing, it's fantastic, it's the Seeing Stars Website! SEEING STARS: the Ultimate Guide to Hollywood & Celebrities


Want to hear a redneck joke? How about one about college? Well, at the Folklore homepage you can search jokes by catagory... tv/movies, alcohol, men, women, relationships, philosophy.... the list goes on and on. Stop on over and entertain yourself with endless jokes! Email Folklore Homepage


Where do you find more idiots than at an idiot zoo? No, it's not a joke, it's the name of this website! Stop by the freak show to see unbelievable feats of greatness! Drop by the "droppings" section for radom stuff that has nothing to do with anything. You can download games, visit links and see cartoons. If for no other reason, just stop by long enough for the page to load because I think the midi file is really cool. Idiot Zoo


If you are easily offended, dislike loads of blood or not into killer cartoons then don't go to this site. If you don't mind any of the above then be my guest and proceed with caution. The Pico site includes adventures for Pico and two of his friends. You get to make the decisions, you get interactive with the animated cartoon. It's...well, it's sick. There's killing involved, of course it's only the killing of cartoons, but if you're against even cartoon killing then I strongly advise against this site. Pico - Fun Edutainment for the Today's Kids!


See ya next month! -Meg


PS As always make sure that you visit the Archives. This weeks archive is at: Linkapalooza Issue 26

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My dancing Page, Jerimiah Was A Bullfrog

My other dancing Page, The July fourth March

The Adventures of the Mulder and Scully Pretzels

Chicago Quotes Simpsons Mystery Showcase Movie Scripts Sound Clips! Cartoon of the day! Are you an idiot? Take the idiot test to find out! Ad-lib Crazy fun! Cool Links

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