Megs Linkapoolza: Issue 7

Sent on May 22, 1999 Saturday


I thought I would try something new this time. Every site in this newsletter should take less than 1 minute to look at. Isn't that easy? They're still pretty cool, they just don't take 50 million hours of your time that you don't have to look at :)

One last thing, before you scroll down. I made my own dancing page. (You knew it had to happen) with the music of "Joy to the world" by Three Dog Night and lotsa bullfrogs. Go to: Meg's Linkapoolza Presents:Jeremiah was a Bullfrog to see the best dancing page ever!!! Tell me what you think about it!

Empty Web SiteŽ What do you want from me? There's nothing there. It's truly an Empty web site. If you don't believe me just go there and see what I mean!

Harry's Internet Disco Strobe Light Party Page! Feel like you are a part of the action in this dizzying realistic clubish website. Hope you like "Kung Foo Fighting"

STETAOO The society to End Oxygen Abuses main site. Did you know that Oxygen is the most addictive drug on the planet? This site proves that plant life is good because they suck up all the Carbon Dioxide and emit oxygen. THen all the people&animals suck up the oxygen. Listen to the music...its really creepy, and they have this chipmunk voice thing.....

Mentalism ala Simpsons It's amazing, it's magic! Simply click on one of the Simpsons faces, remember which one you choose, answer a few questions and the Magic genie tells you who you picked. It's amazing!!! And, if you haven't had your fill with the Simpsons magic game go to Christmas Dreams Even though its May and no where near Christmas its still a fun game. Pretend they're birthday presents or something.

I told you not to click there Whatever you do, DONT click there! I don't care how much you feel the need to click on that little blue line DONT DO IT!!! And if you do.... remember, I told you so ! Purity Test How pure are you? Take this test to find out.

Alien Abduction Survey Have you ever been abducted by aliens? Think not? Well, maybe you have! Take this test to find out if you feel for the extraterrestrial life. Hmmm. Sounds like a case for Mulder and Scully!!!!


Ok, if you haven't already started suffering from Star Wars overkill this might push you to the edge. STAR WARS~The Dancing Menace~ The music makes the page, "His name was Yoda..." to the tune of Copacabana. There are a few other dancing star wars pages too, and maybe I"ll include another one next week.

The Star Wars Stomp Join Can-can Luke, Stompin' Vader Head-Bangin Yoda and Getting' Down Darth in this wacky stomp dedicated to Star Wars.

And, of course Jerimiah Was A Bullfrog! Jeromiah was a Bullfrog

Ok, that's it from me, the bigmouth. Be sure to check back to Meg's Linkapoolza!!! because I keep updating my website. Any feedback on this site or newsletter can be sent to me at which is my other email adress. If you don't want me to send you "Linkapoolza" anymore, just email me and tell me, and I'll stop.

Okay, cya later,


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