Linkzpoola Issue 8

Sent on May 29, 1999 Saturday

Hello Everyone!!!

It is memorial day weekend! We have off on Monday! The school year is winding down and best of all ITS NEARLY SUMMER! But don't run outside to be in the sun and beautiful weather yet. No, don't hurry outdoors to sport a tan. Scroll down and check out all the great links I put in this weeks Linkapoolza! SOme of them are crazy, some of them are wild some of them are enthralling! Now, why would you want to go outside when you have all this excitement to look foward too? Not only that, but this week I placed a .WAV download along with Linkapoolza (You'll find out why if you scroll down!)

Okay, so just visit my homepage, because I have updated it:Meg's Linkapoolza!!! and enjoy both this email and the long weekend!

The Daily .WAV Every day this site has a new .WAV file. It could be from "Star Wars" (If you check the archives they have dozens of them" or, my personal favorite, which I downloaded, Chris Farely in his "Matt Foley" skit. "IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!" or the quote I attached to this email. It's from a toy commercial! What were YOU thinking?

The Madhouse This webpage is great. It's crazy, wild and funny. There are features such as theThe Scary Multiplying Bunny Webpage, Plus there is jello, mystery, jokes and SO MUCH MORE. All kinds of wacky, wild crazy, nutzy fun stuff. Check it out!

How long can the temptation last? The temptation to click that green button with your mouse over and over again? Soon it becomes a need, you crave clicking that button. What will you do when the buttons stop? HOw will you deal if you "Chose the wrong path"? Click the green button to see all sorts of wacky and crazy adventures. (It's amazing how addictive this is, its almost like eating oreos!)

Just how many of you love peanut butter? I mean, really really love it? Well, now your searching has been ended! Have you been looking for the peanut butter fan club?????? Huh? yeah? No? Well, okay. Maybe not everyone is a p.b. worshiper, but for those of you who are: The P.B. Fan Club!!!!

It's time for another one of those darn quizes! Are you an introvert or an extrovert? A thinker or a feeler? Well, don't tell me, take the quiz and find out! It's the Personality Type - Type Quiz

Finally, want to complain but too frusterated and angry to think up a good speech? Then look no furthur. Automatic complaint-letter generator is where you should look for your problems!


Funky pez dance Won't you take me to funky town? There's nothing funkier than the dancing pez page!

The Pirate Dance The pirate dance filled with alligators, palm trees and pirates.

and Meg's Linkapoolza Presents: Jeremiah was a Bullfrog Which, I am happy to say, has over 4,000 hits since MONDAY. That's awesome!

Ok, I hope that everyone has a wonderful memorial day weekend!
