A Crazy Alien Encounter
. Once I was walking up Street when a green creature
in front of me. was hanging in globs from its and dripping from its . I screamed, "Noooo! Don't me! NOOOOOOO! But the creature ignored my screames and ed me. The next thing I knew I awoke to find and hovering over me. "
", Said, "Those alien
"It's so obvious what is happening here." Said
along with my theory of spontanious comubstion! Don't you see what's happening here, ? It's a government conspiricy!!!" "No, you have it all wrong, ,"It's completely unrealistic that a alien would its and at the victim!!! I'm going to perform a(an) on the body. I am after all, a medical "You can't perform an said, The victim is still alive!"
"Honestly you are so narrow , ! Everything is this and that! For once can't you see that and that the truth is NOT out there?" "I am deeply insulted, ,I want to ! and not you, nor your can take that away from me! So, and !!! They seem to have forgotten that I am sitting here listening to their quarrel. I lay back and close my eys, realizing that it has just begun.
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