What's with you???

You left the test??? Come on! Can't take the heat? Afraid of coming out a moron??? YOu took the unpopular choice. But I must say, you are not an idiot. Yes, you have passed. Only a true moron would just keep clicking on all those dead links for no reason whatsover. I mean, this isn't a real test, this is just showing you how-- well, I don't know, It's just for fuN!!!!


You're not a complete idiot!!! You're more like a half and half idiot, not the full boat, but close enough. Now you can go and brag to your friends that you have passed Meg's Linkapoolza's Idiot test! What an honor, you should feel priviliged!

TO see where the true idiots ended up, you can click here, instead of hitting the back button on your browser:What happened to the true idiots?

Or you can go back to Meg's Linkapoolza's Homepage here

And you can Email me at:Beach2gal82@yahoo.com