On April 2, 1999 the dream began. (Bear with me now because I'm about to get corny.) I was home from school, on spring break and I was on my computer surfing "interesting" websites. As usual when I find a funny joke or quote I'll email it to my friends. But usually I don't have enough time to sit down and surf through actual webpages. Well, I became addicted to the net and started trying to find the weirdest sites possible to entertain and amuse myself and others. So, I sent a few links to everyone. The end.

wrong! Then I came up with the idea of making a "newsletter" where I just stick a bunch of links in an email and send them to my friends- really informal. Then Shannon, my cousin, who was also on the newsletter list suggested that I start up a cool "Meg's Linkapoolza" webpage. So, here I am!!! This is what the first issue looked like, sent out on April 11, 1999.

Linkapoolza Issue 1

Here is the edited text of the first newsletter, including all the great links!!!

Hi Everyone!!!

I've decided I should do Like a weekly or a bimonthly newsletter thing called something stupid like "meg's linkapoolza" where i send you wacky and crazy fun!! links. whadya think? It's not like you have to go to any of the links (although they are really fun and ensure some laughs!) just humor me by reading down the email for awhile :)

Okay, well here goes the first one. Are you facing a decision? Can you not decide between two things? Maybe you want to look into the future. Well, there is only one place you can go. Only one person that knows the answers to your querys. He's a tough sucka though, going back into the 80's... Mr. A Team, that's right! Mr. T! I pity the fool that doesn't click here: Mr. T!

Next up, you dog! Did you have unprotected sex again? tsk, tsk, tsk. Well, luckily there is a way to tell if you are pregnant: Pregnancy Test

Then there is this guy, Eric. Eric is an idiot. Well, maybe Eric is a very smart person, but he acts a little cooky on his site. He has pictures of him with all different feelins and emotions. My favorite is "Working on a tech supportline, answering your 500th call of someone who claims he can't send email " if you go to the site, you'll probably see it. Here goes: Eric Conveys an Emotion

Are you one of the many who loved Hampster dance and THAT THING WHERE YOU KILL HTE HAMPSTERS (find link!) Well have no fear, dancing pages are here! (PS. I have a list of about 30 dancing pages, most of which i have not visited yet, but if you would like me to send you that i can- just email me seperately and i'll send it to you :)

Here is The Monkey Dance This is the best one. It has great music and the monkeys are sooo cute! after that is: The Simpsons Dance YAY! you all know how much i LOVE the simpsons! IT's so cute! There's Lisa with her saxophone, and itchy and scratcy trying to kill each other. And of course bart and--- well, if you care, check it out. ok, that's everything! whew! How much did i write? as i always say to helena "it looks like i got off on a tanget"



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