Linkapoolza Issue 10

Sent out on June 12, 1999, Saturday.

Hello Everyone! b:)

So, how is life treatin ya? Only 5, count em 5 days left!!! YAY!!!!Okay, this week as usual there is a multitude of excellent links. You didn't think just because finals were coming up that I was going to lighten up on links did you? Well, I wish everybody good luck on their finals but come on, every once and a while you need a break from the hours and hours and hours and hours and did I mention hours of studying we'll all be doing. (Yeah right, obviously I'm goofing off by doing Linkapoolza, And I'm sure I won't get around to hitting the books until Monday when I remember I have exams on Tuesday..... ANWAY, I have gotten off on a tangent!

Here is this weeks' linkapoolza!!!!!!: (FINALLY! You thought I'd never get to it, didn't you? Didn't you?)

The Nerd-o-matic Don't get enough glances of nerds at school? Then check out this site for pure nerd fun! A different nerd every time you go to the page, so check back often!

Every day, Linkapoolza's mainpage is getting better and better with cooler links. This week I present you (Along with my Pixi Stix Queen friend Lisa) The Adventures of The Adventures of the Mulder and Scully Pretzels !!! All the fun of those lunchtime prezel skits! All the terror of an episode of the X-files ALL ROLLED INTO ONE PAGE!!! You have to check this out, it's too cool to believe!

The X Fools On the same note... It's an x-files page!!! NO it isn't... it's a SPOOF PAGE!! Twice as much fun! Take Xfiles trivia, play X-files games... become an Xfiles FREAK like me!!!

Everyone... did you know that I have a MOVIE SCRIPTSpage on my website? It's been there since the beginning of Linkapoolza. AND, ever since I created this webpage (Which was in April) I have had the script to Austin Powers 2 - The Spy Who Shagged Me. Has anyone seen the script or the movie? I saw the movie last night and it was THE MOST hillarious movie I have ever seen. YOu just laugh from start to finish. I have to say, that the script is different than the movie, but if you skim through the script I'm sure you'll find some funny stuff that wasn't in the movie. Check this out!!!!

The Virtual Dating Game Remember that TV show the dating game? Well this is exactly the same! I tried it earlier in the week. You ask each bachelor a question and then at the end you get to pick who to go out with. It's really funny! There's one problem for the guys... they only have a game for girls to out with the bachlors, not for the guys to go out with the bachlorettes(???Is that a word??) So, unless you just want to go for fun the guys probably won't like this game.

la la la la la la... Remember that theme song? Those little blue munchins running to and fro? The smurfs? Remember them, from the 80's? I loved the Smurfs, and you probably did too! Now, with the the Incredible Smurfalizer you can view the internet smurf style! This is funny, check it out.

Got a question? Well, who better to ask than the king of darkness himself? Would it be.... SATAN????? (Come on, Dana Carvey as the church lady???? Did you know that Santa has all the same letters as in......SATAN!???? and both their colors are red...... hmmmmm, what does that say about so called "jolly" old saint nick?) OKay, I'm just joking around and quoting from the CHristmas episode of SNL a few years ago. Seriously, this page is funny. Check it out.


It's never to early to start being patriotic! That is why Meg's Linkapoolza has gathered the best animated flags, and Stars and Stripes forever together to form the ulitmate dancing page in America's honor-- The 4th of July March Check this out, it's AWESOME!!!!

Dance, Dance, Danncennnnnn This page will surely get you up on your feet and dancing! It's a lot of fun!

Okay, there is a LOT of stuff in here this week.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to overload you! But just think, you'll have some extra free time because school is finally OVER!!! YAY!!!!!! Please email me and tell me what you think about this week's Linkapoolza! I have been getting positive feedback from quite a few people so I guess most of you like this insanity every Saturday! :) Well, have fun, And I'll cya later!!! -Meg

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Chicago Quotes Simpsons Mystery Showcase Movie Scripts Sound Clips! Cartoon of the day! Are you an idiot? Take the idiot test to find out! Ad-lib Crazy fun! Cool Links

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