Linkapalooza Issue 22

Sent out on January 27, 2000.

Hey Everyone!

And it's back!!!! Yay! After a VERY long hiatus the newsletter has returned just in time for the January 2000 issue! I recieved a few emails asking where I went, and when I was coming back.... And I'm sorry, but the past few months I have been extremely busy! Thank you to everyone that emailed me and told me how much they missed getting my zany newsletter, I hope you'll be happy to see this in your email box! I will be back once a month with a Linkapalooza update, So stay tuned and click on all the links of fun! Also, 700 people now recieve Linkapalooza each month. That's not a big number compared to some email lists, but to me that number is huge! If you would like, foward this to a friend and see if we can make that number 1400 by next month!
Remember to visit my webpage at: Meg's Home Page


Okay, probably like everybody else out there if I hear the words... (I don't even want to type it, but...ahem! y2k) one more time I will snap into convulsions and rip of my own arm so I don't have to listen to people talk about it. But, since I got this link I thought I would put it in the newsletter for that one person that will get a kick out of seeing a millenium bug Millennium Bug


Here's a nice link to send to someone as a joke. Visit this fun site and wait for The Everloading Story to load up. It may take awile, but trust me, this site is worth it. (It's great to foward to friends) The everloading story


Please stop by this link: Mypoints

And sign up for the mypoints program. I've been a member for almost a year now and trust me it's a great thing to belong to. You can earn points simply by visiting websites, trying offers out, and shopping online. You don't need to buy anything, just try stuff out. Then, when you earn a certain amount of points they send you gift certificates in the mail for up to $100. Go to:
Then, click on the mypoints banner. When you get to the mypoints page scroll down and go to "join". When you sign up make sure you either mention the link above or fill in the "referred by area" with Meghan12, since that's my user name and because (surprise!) I get points for referring you wonderful people that decide to sign up. It's really a great deal! Make sure that you respond to their confirmation email they send you when you sign up! If you have any questions just hit reply to this email and ask me, I'll get back to you. Thanks!


Are any of your friends or family members birthday's coming up? Then here's the perfect gag gift for them! (Or real gift, whatever floats your boat) Check out the poop moose site even if it's just to look at the stupid poop moose and to find out what the heck it is. What is Alaska's Original Poop Moose? - Alaska Novelty at it's best.


Come, visit parodyville! You'll see a list of famous companies, Starbucks, Absolute Vodka, McDonalds, Microsoft and a bunch of others. Just click on the link for a clever parody of that company. For the main page of parodyville click on the second link down: Anti-Socialite Disconnection-Parodies Welcome to Parodyville!


That Bill Clinton is more slick than you thought! Here, you can visit the site "Whack-A-Willy, a game very similar to that arcade game where you try to bang on alligators heads that keep popping out. See if you can catch Slick Willy... it's not easy! Welcome to Wack-A-Willy!


I'm warning you before you click on this link that once you do it there's no going back. It can get quite annoying after a few clicks. It's not called the piss off page for no reason! See how much tolerance you have when you visit this site! The Piss Off Page

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CyberStare
Are you the champion of staring contests? Maybe even undefeated? Well test your skills here at the CyberStare website! Get involved with a highly difficult match via the internet! See how much talent you have in the (non)blinking department! Good luck! ~


Well, the Italian in me decided it would be a good idea to put a mafiajoke link in. Check it out and see what jokes are "Big Lefty's" favorites. Just take a look around, see what you like.


Who watches the Daily Show on Comedy Central? Who loves Jon Stewart? If you answered yes to either of those questions then this is THE site for you! Yes, it's the Jon Stewart Estrogen Brigade web site! I have no idea why it's called that. This site has everything you'd ever want to know about Jon Stewart... his biography, filmography, TV stuff, writing stuff he did and it has lots of stuff about the Daily Show. Check it out! Jon Stewart Estrogen Brigade


One last site for you to check out. If you are not from California and you'd love to see nothing more then what your computer screen would look like in the midst of a huge shaking Earthquake then this site is for you! Go to the California experience, and watch as your computer falls apart before your eyes! This doesn't really work well on an AOL browser, if you have AOL open up your second browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer on my computer) The California Experience

Well, that's it for my return issue, I hope you enjoyed it! Remember, tell all your friends and family to visit my website: Meg's Home Page In case you forgot! :) I'll see you next month! Meg


PS As always make sure that you visit the Arcives. This weeks archive is at: Linkapalooza Issue 22

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The Adventures of the Mulder and Scully Pretzels

Chicago Quotes Simpsons Mystery Showcase Movie Scripts Sound Clips! Cartoon of the day! Are you an idiot? Take the idiot test to find out! Ad-lib Crazy fun! Cool Links

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