I'm back, I have an issue that is loaded with internet fun!! And you all think I'm crazy because I just put all this stuff in this newsletter and you don't have time to go to it all because it takes forever...but that's okay, cause I'll keep sending it out. Anyway, this issue is packed with stuff so start surfing!!!
What happens when you blend Jay Leno with Ken Griffy Jr??? You get Jay Griffy Jr! How about Howard Stern and Jay? You get Howard Sterno! Blend a Celebrity is a kooky mixture of fame and...ugliness. Check it out!
Bill Clinton thinks that he can weasle his way out of anything, doesn't he? Well go to this site, because you get to see a Virtual Bill Clinton answering (Or rather avoiding) tricky questions. You get to view from the "wacky" cam, the close up cam and the "Monica" cam. This is funny, but you need a few extra minutes to wait for the page to load. DotComix Home
Have you ever been driving through Philadelphia when some guy runs up to your car, squeegees it and expects you to pay him? Then this website is for you! You get to choose whether you pay or dis the computer squeegee guy as he nicely cleans your computer! Internet Squeegee Guy
Finally computers have caught on!! On this webpage you get to Build-A-Date according to your preferences. You just check the boxes of the qualitites your dream date will have (here's an ex. from the list "Makes me laugh when I'm down") After you have checked all the qualities you hit submit.... and SURPRISE! (That can be either good or bad...)
Have you ever wondered what your phone number spells out? Didn't think so.Have you ever wondered how many words you can form with the numbers in your phone number? ok- it sounds stupid, but this page is actually kind of cool. At PhoNETic you can either type in a word and find out what its numbers are, or vice versa. It's pretty cool, and only takes a few seconds to look at.
It's sickening, really. Everyone has to get in on this dancing page craze, including beanie babies. Dancing beanie babies...what more could you want, right? Dancing Beanie Babies II
Cash is everywhere! Chiching! There is actually a Money Dance dancing page. So, click here if you like seeing dollar bill signs strutting around with canes to the sound of change clinging.
Okay, that's everything for this issue. Enjoy all the sites and make sure that you visit my site Meg's linkapoolza. I've updated it alot recently and it's better than before. Cya!
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