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Blessid Union Of Souls

"It's All about the Lyrics!!!!"

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1. I Believe
This song was the Blessid's first single, ending 1995 as the #4 song of the year. I like this song, but it's not one of my favorites.
2. Let Me Be The One
This is a great song, surprisingly is really didn't take off as it should have.
3. All Along
As with basically all the BUOS songs everyone can relate to a song like this.
4. Oh Virginia
I really like this song, an up-beat, rocking song about Virginia, but according to my cousin, a graduate of VA Tech they forgot to mention Blacksburg.
5. Nora
This is simply a beautiful song euologizing Eliot Sloan's grandmother, Nora.
6. Would You Be There
Simply put, great song.
7. Home
A song about how the world should be- "Take me to a world that's filled with happy people"
8. End Of The World
This is a great song to listen to when you're having a bad day, "there's more to love, more to life, and more to you"
9. Heaven
Wonderful song, one of the best.
10. Forever For Tonight
This song just happens to be the best song in the entire world, it's certainly my all-time favorite song. Considered to be an "Eliot Ballad" it's so incredibly amazing, if you could only listen to one song, make it this one.
11. Lucky To Be Here
This song reminds anyone that listens to us how lucky that we are just to be alive.

"Blessid Union Of Souls"

1. I Wanna Be There
This was a popular song in 1997, this was the first Blessid song that I actually heard. I absolutly loved the song, bought the cd (it's SO good), and found out they had a cd out before this one, loved that too, and I was hooked.
2. Jelly
I must admit this isn't one of my favorites, but it's a nice song.
3. Light In Your Eyes
I find that when I first introduce BUOS to people this is the song that the most people tend to like, it's a great song, popular in 1997.
4. Scenes From A Coffehouse (You'll Always Be Mine)
This song is very upbeat...all about being friends with a member of the opposite sex. Great of my favs on this cd.
5. Hold Her Closer
This is one of the songs that I really can relate to. I can pretty much relate to all the Blessid songs, but this one really hits me.
6. My Friend
This is one song that I just wish I could make all of my friends sit in one room and just listen to.
7. Where We Were Before
I must have erased 15 different lines before realizing I can't put this song into words, this one just really, really hits home for me.
8.It's Your Day (Bronson's Song)
This is SO great...this song really is one song, but it combines with the next song, so it's one long thing, but really it's 2 seperate songs. You HAVE to hear this!!! It's SO cool!!!
9. Humble Star
Part Two of Above
10. When She Comes
This is a really pretty song. One of those "Eliot Ballads" Oh, how I love those "Eliot Ballads"!!!!
11. Peace And Love
Another song I want to put all of my friends into a room and make them listen to this song!!!

"Walking Off The Buzz"

(It's not about drugs, so it's ok!!)

1. The Last Day
This song

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