Niniane's Place in Popular and Classical Literature
Books that Include Niniane as a Character

Here are some of the books from my vast collection of books on Arthurian legend that include either references to or the actual character of Niniane, also called Vivian, Viviane, Nyneve, Niviane, Nimue, the Lady of the Lake, etc. Some are better known than others (and some of the great classics with her it it contain only minimal referances) and I probably left a few out. All the same...

Most entries should include the year that the book was published (except for a few of the older books) and the name that the Niniane character appears under. The books are arranged in roughly chronological order. Good luck hunting! If you have any questions, or just want to discuss things, feel free to e-mail me at

Le Morte de Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory
Don Quixote by Cervantes
Idylls of the King by Alfred Lord Tennyson
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table by Howard Pyle
The Once and Future King and the Book of Merlyn by T.H. White
King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green
The Pagan King by Edison Marshall
The Three Damosels by Vera Chapman (and others)
Merlin's Mirror by Andre Norton
Arthur Rex by Thomas Berger
The Last Enchantment and the Wicked Day by Mary Stewart
Guenivere and the Chessboard Queen by Sharan Newman
Port Eternity by C.J. Cherryh
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Child of Northern Spring, the Queen of the Summer Stars, and the Legend in Autumn by Persia Woolley
The Road to Avalon by Joan Wolf
The Book of Mordred by Peter Hanratty
Fang the Gnome and King of the Scepter'd Isle by Michael Coney
The Coming of the King by Nikolai Tolstoy
In the Shadow of the Oak King, Witch of the North, and A Prince in Camelot by Courtway Jones
The Forever King by Molly Cochran and Warren Murphey
Merlin's Wood by Robert Holdstock
A Prince Among Men and A King Beneath the Mountain by Robert Charette
The Child Queen and the High Queen by Nancy McKenzie
Merlin's Harp by Anne Crompton
Merlin's Bones by Fred Saberhagen
The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell
Mordred's Curse and Merlin's Gift by Ian McDowell

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