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Vampire Zines

Journal of the Dark

This great zine has released it's 10th and last issue. It is still available
as well as a JoD T-Shirt. It will be missed.

Vampire's Crypt

A magazine devoted to vampire literature: New fiction and
criticism, poetry, graphics, book reviews and more!

Vampyre Magazine

This zine only has two issues but it is really good so far. It is published
by Sabretooth Publishing.

Carpe Noctem

Not a vampire zine but a zine that focuses on Dark Culture. Published
bi-monthly. It contains interviews, fiction, art, photography, reviews
and articles.

Vampire Junction

A non-profit zine devoted to the promotion of the vampire in fiction, fact and art.

Nocturnal Blood Sentinel News

A new free e-zine with 3 issues already out.


UK based Vampire Magazine

Blood Stone

This UK based Vampire Magazine is fairly new. There has only been two issues
released so far. They say that they are a magazine for vampire, by vampires and
that they are uniting vampire in Europe and all across the world. I have to see
a few more issues on them before I make a final judgement. Issue 0 and Issue 1
have a lot of great articles and I have read about a lot of band that I have never
even heard of. There's also a lot on the movie Razor Blade Smile. However, they
said Nosferatu really sucks, which pissed me off right away. More importantly,
the magazine is run and published by Dark Angel Productions and both issues
seem to be one big commercial for Dark Angel Productions products, a Vampire
event call Vampyria 2, and the movie Razor Blade Smile. I understand that
people need to pay their bills but it just seems rather odd how they give
music that they sell such great reviews, etc. Maybe it's just me. Just
remember, when you're taking someone else's opinion to help you make a choice
to buy something or whatever, look at the big picture. Anyway, like I said,
there are some really good articles and if you see it, I strongly recommend
you pick it up. In the world of Vampire zines, beggars can't be choosers.

Nightstalkers Fanzine

Poetry, artwork, reviews, and articles.