I Am the Anti-Goth

I have nothing against goths...really, I don't. Whatever you do is up to you, and I couldn't care less. But, you all have me confused with one. I am not a typical goth. Stop sending me letters saying I am "the coolest goth" you know. Yes, I wear all black clothing...jeans and a t-shirt. I don't wear black make-up all the time [even to bed] or white face, or dye my hair black. I don't think I am a vampire.

Honestly, I was wearing all black ten years ago. I'm a metalhead, for god's sake, and I like black, always have. My personality is just like this, and it has always been.

So, what's wrong with being a goth? Nothing. Nothing with the look anyway. It's more of the way of thought. Goths scream from here to the high heavens that they dress like that to be individuals, to express themselves, and to be different. How are you doing this when you all look the same? Huh? Personally, I like the clothes, and yes I do wear the make-up on occasion, when I'm not too lazy to put it on, and even own a fish-net shirt and a black velvet cape. For me, it's fun. But the goths I meet seem to stand around and bitch constantly. "My parents are too strict and don't understand me. I hate them." "My life sucks." "I can't get a job. People are too close minded towards those who are different, so I have to suffer by being broke." All this said while leaning up against the brand new car that daddy just bought you, while wearing clothes with a totalled worth of $400! Oh, I pity you horribly! I work for a living. Daddy ain't buyin' me no new car, and because I work to buy clothes and CDs for myself, I wear cheap clothes. They look just as good. I went to Greenwich Village a few months ago wearing this long black velvet crumple skirt [Yes, I have been known to wear a skirt...so have many other people of both genders! lol]. All the goths swooned over it. "That's gorgious! Where did you get it?" Lane Briant...$10. All interest lost...it's a cheap skirt. Yes, my first pair of combat boots were from Payless...and they costed me $15...they also held up better and longer than the Doc Martins I saved up for and bought 2 years later. I still have those damn boots! The Docs are long gone. I wear Rangler jeans...the ones from Bradlees that cost $19 a pair, and I get my t-shirts at crappy stores around here who don't charge as much as Hot Topic does for a Cradle of Filth shirt. I get all my make-up and nail polish from Rite Aid...the $.99 crap. You can't tell any of this unless I tell you. I work hard for my money, and save up to get the clothes I really want that are expensive...like that cape that cost me $100. But you don't see me bitching about all this on the corner.

I do have a typical goth personality, according to some. I can be depressed for no reason, but that's natural for me and has happened since I was real young. But I have a good sense of humor, too. I was practicing witchcraft 7 years ago, when it wasn't a teenie-bopper fad. I always wear black. I write dark poetry, and like vampire movies. But I also know the difference between fiction and reality.

I have nothing against goths...honestly, I don't. But you kids need to get your shit together. It's trendy to not be trendy now, and the "message" you are trying to send is lost. If you do it because you like it, I respect that, because that's why I do it. The music is good, too. But most "goths" don't listen to the music. I understand that you have problems, but I have news for you, so does everyone else. We are all disfunctional... GET OVER IT! Be a goth. It's a good look. But honestly, stop the moping and the faking of your personality. It's pathetic. Be goth in taste and dress, but get a life...the one you have is too short, and if you spend it moping about every petty thing...well, when you get older you will look back and think, "What was I doing? I waisted all the time I had to do fun stuff moping and trying to be cool and shocking." Have a good time now. It may be your only chance. :)

Email: imspooky@itookmyprozac.com