AGOGKAO >> Irving Plaza- April 1st

Irving Plaza- April 1st

We (me, Rachel, and Rachel's dad) got to the city around 4:30 and waited on line for 3 and half hours. As soon as we got there, we got in a fight with these guys, who thought we were cutting them. Anyway, in that time, we got like 3 free demo tapes, and stuff, and talked to some guys from K ROCK (92.3)and they were tryin to get us VIP passes to meet Orgy, but they're tries were unsuccessful. so 8 o'clock rolls around and the doors open. so we get in, run upstairs, and FLIP OUT. There was the row of people against the bar separating the audience from the stage, and the bouncers. and thats it! so we ran over there and stayed there for the whole show. even tho there really arent "rows" in Irving Plaza, we were in the second row of people, which kinda was the first cuz we were on top of the people in front of us. Me and Rachel touched Jay's hand, Paige's hand, and I touched Amir's guitar!!!!!!! And Paige was like staring at me and Rachel the whole time, and at one point, I threw one of my bracelets on stage, and it went right past him, and he followed it with his head, and then turned around and smiled at me. and then at the end of the show, he picked it up! ACK! So being in the 2nd row, we were in the mosh pit, and it was sooo kewl! cuz no one really got hurt, we were all just jumping up and down. you didnt even have to jump, you just got lifted. So both me and Rachel made TOTAL eye contact with Paige, Jay, and I made contact with Amir. (he's not THAT bad rachel!)So oh my gosh it rocked. The show started half an hour late, but thats ok. they were up there for about an hour, and played 8 songs:(not in order) Dissention, Stitches, Blue Monday, Pantomime, Gender, Revival, All the Same, and Fetisha. all are fast songs, so we were being smooshed in the pit the whole time and it was just SOOO kewl. So it was awesome. And in the beginning, Jay came out and was like "NEW YORK F-ING CITY MAKE SOME F-ING NOISE!!!" And he gave the audience the finger for like 5 min., and the ENTIRE place gave it back to him. It was like a group bonding. So Blue Monday was the last song, and the crowd went NUTS..even worse then they were before. and when that was over, me and Rachel made our way to the back to find her dad. and he said that some guy who works at Irving Plaza said that after their show, Orgy went upstairs to the bar and was hanging out. So we got sodas, ran upstairs and hung around for about half an hour, but they didnt come up. So we went downstairs, got some shirts and patches, and went back up one more time to check. Then we came down and looked at stage at Love and Rockets and i go "Wow theres like 50 people up there" and it was Love and Rockets, Orgy, and JESSE CAMP! And we took lots and lots of pics. Go to the pics page to see them.