AGOGKAO >> July 13- Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC

July 13- Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC

Well my dream has finally (somewhat) come true. I met Orgy. It was the best thing ever and all because ofluck. After a brief argument with my dance teachers (long story), I was able to get to the concert around 8. Rachel had gotten there early to stand on line and she was going to meet me there but we kinda never met up. We found each other at the end of the concert. First it was the Toilet Boys, Videodrone, then Orgy. It was a really good concert and from what I have heard from VD's crew, it was one of Videodrone's best performances ever. But anyways! When I finally found Rachel it was at the end of the concert and like everyone was leaving and we were just standing there and some random guy came up to us hands us something and walked away. It was a backstage pass but Rachel didn't think it was good but we asked a crew member, just to be sure. He told us to go wait on line with about 10 other people. And so we stood on a line waiting for them to let us backstage. While we waited, we saw and met Ty from VD. And so we waited on line some more. We worked out way to the backstage stairs, and can you guess what we did? We waited. But we saw Amir (Rachel waved to him 6 times and he waved back and we said hi to him many times). So while we were waiting on the stairs backstage, Bobby came down, but he was kinda in a rush cuz he was leaving with his wife. I got his autograph, and then he left. Then we saw Paige on the stairs drinking beer and smoking, and he smiled at us waved and went back up. Then we found out that we weren't gonna meet the guys because they had to leave. So we went down the stairs, bitching and moaning the whole way. We were just standing around the stage, and we spotted Amir on the stairs again. Rachel called to him and waved and he waved for us to come back up but security wouldn't let us so he came down. We took pictures with him and got his autograph. Then we went outside and stood by their tour bus. All this time we had become friends with a few fellow Orgy fans. A few minutes after we got outside, Amir, Paige, and Ryan ran outside to their van. Fans crowded around it, so they couldnt go anywhere. Ryan and Paige were sticking their tounges out at us. A few minutes past, and the van finally left. We looked around and saw that Videodrone were still walking around the building. So we walked up to Ty again and got a pic w/ him this time. Then we went over to Rohan, and he said "Hey you guys I gotta jet, but i'll take a pic with you". And he did. So sweet! Then we started walking back to the parking garage and went past some restaurant. I stopped short. Who's sitting in the lobby? Ty on his cell phon! Since Rachel had to pee, we went in. As we walked past him, I whispered "Don't worry Ty, we're not stalking you, Rachel just has to pee". He winked and waved and continued talking on his phone. So we went into the restaurant and who was in there? The rest of VIDEODRONE! We waved and made our way to the bathroom, and then we left. Greatest night of my far...