AGOGKAO >>Jay Interview

Interview with Jay

Even with being awkwardly tall, the lengthy frontman of Orgy insists on wearing his six inch platforms. Today Jay Gordon is decked out in an Armani suit accompanied by a odd shaped pair of sunglasses. He seems like he's off in his own world as he takes in a deep breath and stares out the window at the masses of Orgy fans that are patiently waiting for him to come outside so that they may have his autograph or even better yet, a picture.

B.M- How do you think the fans are going to react to this album (Vapor Transmission).

J.G- We hope that they will enjoy it just as much as they enjoyed Candyass. We put forth our best efforts on this Cd just like we did on the last one. I think that this Cd will be just as good if not better than Candyass.

B.M- What do you think of being a sex icon?

J.G- I'm a sex icon? Since when? I never knew that. I think its fun to be in the spotlight sometimes, but not all the time because I do enjoy my privacy. Why isn't Paige or Amir sex icons? They're more sexy than I am. They have nice asses.

B.M- Now this question may seem a bit strange, but are you by chance gay?

J.G- (Laughs) No I'm not gay! What ever made you think that?I find some males pretty, but dicks don't really do anything for me. I don't enjoy the very muscular men though, I find the average toned males to be very attractive. Then again, nothing beats two females. I wouldn't mind being with two females at the same time.

B.M- Does your sex life consist of bondage, whips, and chains?

J.G- No, definately not. I am strange, but not that strange.

B.M- What does it consist of, if you don't mind us asking?

J.G- I'd rather not say.

B.M- How do you feel about all of this teen girls running around proclaiming their love to you and calling you "sexy"? What are your views and opinions on that?

J.G- Too bad they're teenagers and not older. (Laughs) I don't know, its alright I guess. It doesn't bother me that much. But, why is it always me? Why can't they say Paige, Amir, Bobby, and Ryan are sexy !#&!! es too? Damn, give them some credit! Amir found a name for those types of girls though, he calls them Orgy-Boppers.

B.M- What is your idea of the perfect woman?

J.G- I like dark skinned women. Women who have color to their skin seem more appealing to me, they tend to catch my eye more so than pale women. I like short hair too. I find long hair always gets in the way of things. Short spiked hair is sexy, especially on a dark skinned woman. Eye color doesn't matter, maybe a brown or green. I'd like it if she was around five foot nine or eight. I don't enjoy women who dress trashy, so she'd need to be a bit conservative but in a way have her own since of style.

B.M- What would her personality be like?

J.G- Outgoing, humorous, caring, things like that. But a long with that, she'd have to be mysterious as well. I love mystery and when there's something mysterious about a woman, it intrigues me very much. I'd like it if she was involved in music or arts in some form as well, that way we could have some common ground.

B.M- When it comes to age, does it matter to you?

J.G- If the woman I'm fond of is nineteen or eighteen, yes I'd go out with her, but nothing lower than eighteen because of course that's jail bait.As long as she's legal, age shouldn't really matter. Its what's in the heart that matters the most and a bit of looks too. I'm obsessed with looks.

B.M- The next subject that we'd like to cover is, what are your goals, or what is your goal in life exactly?

J.G- My goal in life is to take over the world. First the music world, then the stockmarket, then the United States, and move on from there. (Laughs.) No, not really, my goal in life is to make music for as long as I possibly can, have a family, you know, that kind of stuff. I wouldn't mind having a kid. If I had a son, his name would definately be Leviathan, but if it was a girl, it would have to be Callisto. Those are both very beautiful and intriguing names.

B.M- And you haven't found your special someone yet?

J.G- No, not yet. I'm more focused on my music right now. Same with Paige and Amir. We don't have time for girlfriends. We have each other. (Laughter)

B.M-Do you use the internet at all?

J.G-The internet scares me. I only use it a little bit. I don't go into those chatrooms though. You never know when some crazed stalker could be out to get you!

B.M-Were you a trouble maker when you were younger or were you the type that attended all the school dances and all?

J.G-I didn't like the school dances. The only dance that I went to was prom and I had to pay a girl twenty bucks so she'd be my date.

B.M-If you had any advice to give the other aspiring musicians and singers out there, what would it be?

J.G-Persistence is the key to success! Be persistant and say !#&!! you a lot! Paige always says "Reach for the stars and nothing less."

B.M-Thank you for letting us interview you Jay.

J.G-No problem. This interview was short and to the point, I enjoyed it. Now I need to go tend to the Orgy-Boppers.