AGOGKAO >> Ryan Interview #3

Interview with Ryan #3

Anatomy of an Orgy
Guitarist Ryan Shuck transmits Vapor (and substance) on rock's sci-fi superheroes.

"I wanna thank all our fans, because if it wasn't for them, this whole band wouldn't be able to turn our kid-dreams into reality." In addition to slinky space suits, killer boots and electronic-industrial hard rock, Orgy guitarist Ryan Shuck is bringing gratitude in vogue. And as Vapor Transmission, the follow-up to the band's 1998 glamazon Candyass, proves, Shuck (along with vocalist Jay Gordon, guitar-synthesist Amir Derakh, bassist Paige Haley and drummer Bobby Hewitt) is doing a lot more than blowing smoke.

As rock's sci-fi superheroes, Orgy commands gadgets and gizmos from blast-off to landing while transmitting a socially-conscious point. But as Shuck verified in a recent conversation, although he may be an "overgrown kid," he ain't no brat.

Vapor Transmission presents a lot of interesting sonic elements like electronica and industrial, making for an interesting sci-fi trip. What influenced that concept? Star Wars and all of those science fiction movies that everyone in my band grew up loving. That whole vibe still exists for me -- technology and the turns that it's taking right now [including] the Internet. [It] has a lot to do with our science fiction take on reality.

Does your reality feel like science fiction?
Yeah. I have a science fiction take on everything that I do -- the way my house is -- everything. I'm an overgrown kid. It's ridiculous.

'Fiction (Dreams in Digital)' is one of my favorites. Who or what inspired it?
Laura Croft [from the Tomb Raider video game series] and the [other] virtual reality characters that are big right now. The Japanese are making them almost like Marilyn Monroe in some ways. They're virtual reality icons that [people] look at like [they're] alive and have a personality. [The song] is a take on that.

What does the term 'vapor transmission' mean to you?
To be completely honest, it really just sounded cool. In our band, we have a lingo -- words we use to describe things that only makes sense to us. It gets across vibes that we can't describe in any other way. It's a verbiage that we throw together, and 'vapor transmission' is a result.

The band always seems to be in promotional motion. What are some of the things you miss in your personal life that you've had to set aside?
Everything (laughs). It all takes a back burner when you do this. It's a truth for any band if you're doing well at all -- everything falls to the side, and that sucks. I'm at home right now [in LA], but I've spent the day doing interviews. I'm not complaining, I'm just not spending it with my girl. You only have limited time in this life to do things, and I definitely feel like we have something to accomplish. We need to be doing what we're doing right now, and I feel it more now than ever. In this job, you're always working. Eight daze a week (laughs).

Are you exhausted?
No, I'm amped right now. I'm ready to leave and go on tour. I'm ready to bring this out. I think [being on the road is] something we should have been doing when the record came out, but logistically it didn't work out with the tour. And I think that's what this band does best is play -- live. I don't know if we've necessarily gotten that point across yet, so we're gonna make sure we do with this one.

In your sci-fi reality, what is life on the road?
Science falls to the human machine (laughs). On the road, your biggest goal of the day could be finding somewhere to do your laundry. It could be rough. The best thing is that the machine of Orgy is a machine now, and it's really cool. I like it like that. It's got moving parts that think for themselves and do things. And it makes decisions now, and the live, touring entity of Orgy is something I like being a part of now.

In the beginning it was hard, because we had to do everything. We were hanging on by the skin of our teeth, but now the shows are becoming streamlined. We've got production now, and we're doing more of what we want to do. We're able to go up there and concentrate on playing, and not on whether our equipment is working. On one hand, I really love that aspect. It makes me happy, and it's really exciting to go play when you know you're dealing with a bunch of professionals and you can go up there and f*ckin' rock. The kids are there and you're f*ckin' havin' a good time.

On the other hand, a tour is still a tour. [We] sit on a bus sometimes 23 hours at a time. You sleep 12 hours of that. You take some sort of a f*cking pill or do whatever you can, like get wasted, go to sleep and then you're awake. Or you're stuck in a town where you don't know one soul, because you don't play for two more daze and you don't know what to do and there's not even a mall, because the town is so small. We can get stuck in a city, and the first thing we'll do is run out to the nearest bar and just start meeting people and get some friends and just f*ckin' hang in dirty clothes (laughs). There are times when we're still sharing two hotel rooms. It just depends on where you're at and what's goin' on (laughs).

Are you 'feeling paranoid' [from 'Where's Gerrold']?
F*ck yeah, I am. [About] the government, two presidential candidates who want to throw government absolutely out of control and quadruple the size of our current government, the IRS taking every f*cking cent that I make, people who just don't give a f*ck. There are a lot of reasons. But I'm happy, though. I'm paranoid, but it's a healthy paranoia -- it's not an unfounded, dumb paranoia. America could stand a good f*ckin' shot of paranoia.

People are getting smarter, but socially they're getting a little bit stupider. They're letting themselves be told what's right and wrong. This election is a perfect example. Any time you have an election where you have 20 percent undecided voters, how can this whole f*cking campaign gone on and you don't know who you're voting for yet? I would love to meet one of these undecided voters. It's amazing. With all the information out there, Americans could really stand to give a sh*t about what's goin' on. And yeah, that makes me a little paranoid, because it scares me that people don't really give a flying f*ck about what's happening, in general.

Orgy has a fascinating visual presence. What is the process of putting yourselves together?
It's fun. You almost have to think about it from a little kid's point of view. When you're a kid and you see a cool movie and you want to add that in to your imagination when you're playing with your friends and you want to play that movie -- it's somewhat in that vein.

We can watch a science fiction movie and be like, 'Oh my God, those f*cking uniforms they're wearing are awesome. That was so dope. I want a uniform like that.' The only difference is that now, we actually go out and get the uniforms (laughs) or we have [them] made. A lot of people think our take on fashion is more hedonistic, but it's not.

Where do you get your killer boots and clothes?
All over. Definitely New York and LA have the biggest selection of clothing and shoes, but you would be so surprised at what you could find in any random city. Montreal has great shoes. I'm a shoe guy, and it's so hard for men to find good shoes. Women have great shoes. Sometimes we try to buy women's shoes in sizes that fit us, but it's not very easy. I buy women's clothes, to tell you the truth (laughs). And because of that, I made my own clothing line (laughs).

It's called Replicant Clothing, as in the androids in Blade Runner. That's where I got the idea. I have a test run of T-shirts to see if anyone is interested and I'm going to be selling them at Hot Topic. What's good is that I'm not gonna [sell them only] in some ridiculous, f*cking boutique that's just in New York and LA, [where] none of our fans can take part in what I wanna do.

Does Orgy have a M.A.C. [make-up] endorsement?
We don't have a M.A.C. endorsement, but I just got a M.A.C. card. My management sent a package there, so I could get 40 percent off, because I spend f*ckin' hundreds of dollars a month there. It sucks.

Have you ever been to an orgy?
(Laughs) Let me tell my girlfriend to get out of the room (laughs). No, I'm kidding. No comment. I've seen some sh*t in my time (laughs).