Homer Meets Persephone

We all know Homer, right? (The bard...the one who wrote the Homeric hymns and the Illiad and the Oddessy, not the one who says doh! a lot on the Simpsons) Well, apparently he wrote a lot of hymns to the Gods and Goddesses.

Eventually, like all humans, Homer died. And, like a proper Ancient Greek, he goes to the Greek Underworld. There he meets up with Persephone. She greets him, smiling slightly, and says,

"You have written a hymn for all of the Goddesses but me, and I feel that it is time for me to get my hymn."

Well, Homer knows that if Persephone asks for a hymn, one had better give it to her or be stuck in Tartarus (the punishment place), so, he writes her a hymn, gives it to her, and Persephone is so pleased with it that she gives it to Morpheus to send to the world in a dream.

An old woman dreams about this hymn, and writes it down. It is the greatest of Homer's hymns. Unfortunately, as far as I know, the hymn has not survived to this day. (if you know of it, please write!)

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