Recomended Reading

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Books Mentioned (or will be mentioned) in Web-pages

Aristophanes Lysistrata : The Birds the Clouds the Frogs/Notes The great Ancient Greek comedian, these are some of the funniest plays ever written. Check out Frogs as mentioned under Books.

The Goddesses in Every Woman by Jean Shinoda Bolen Archetype Goddesses, as featured in Books.

World Without End by Molly Cochran and Warren Murphy. A fantasy where the hero meets the Greek Gods in Atlantis.

Dante's Comedy : The Inferno The first of the Divine Comedy by Dante, based heavily upon the Underworld books of Virgil's Aeneid, and, ultimately, the Greek Underworld.

The Illiad Homer's classic about the Trojan war. This is Robert Fitzgerald's translation, which I personally think is the best translation ever done of the Illiad.

The Odyssey The perfect accompanyment to the Illiad, this is translated as expertly as Fitzgerald's Illiad.

Antigone Sophocle's eternal masterpiece, as mentioned under Books.

Algernon Swinburne: Everyman's Poetry Library The poems of Swinburne, such as the Hymn to Proserpine and The Garden of Proserpine seen in Documents.

The Novels of A. C. Swinburne : Love's Cross Currents:Lesbia Brandon The complete Lesbia Brandon, as mentioned under my Texts area in Underworldly Documents. Based on the life of Sappho.

Alfred Lord Tennyson: Everyman's Poetry Library More of Tennyson, like Demeter and Persephone, under Documents.

The Aeneid Virgil's nationalistic masterpiece, which I'm sure is translated brilliantly by Fitzgerald. (I got a lousy translation. Do not do that.)

The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror Tenth Annual Collection Really neat short stories and poems. Persephone Sets the Record Straight comes from this.

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