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Hi.  I really don't like disclaimers, but for the sake of covering my own ass, I decided to make one.

I don't like George W. Bush.  I don't like Republicans.
I don't like Al Gore.  I don't (for the most part) like Democrats.

I made this little page just for fun.  I came across a little piece of paper in one of my classes that was chock full of these "Bushisms".  I decided that I'd post it for the sole purpose of entertaining my friends and family (since, let's be honest, they're the only ones who visit this site anyway).  As far as I know, (and I have checked) all of the quotes listed here are accurate.  My commentary may be a bit harsh, but I'm a dissillusioned Gen Xer so anyone who doesn't like it can just go somewhere else.  I'm not forcing you to stay here and read it.  So there.

Yes, I do think that GWB is a complete and utter moron.  Anyone who is totally unable to read cue cards or teleprompters shouldn't be managing Burger King, let alone running the most powerful country in the world.  And the fact that 48% of the few people who voted actually wanted this guy frightens me more than anyone could possibly imagine.  Now, I am not known for my great faith in people (as a group; individually some people show promise) and this whole debacle only strengthens my viewpoint.  In short, I just can't understand what people see in this man.

I could go into a long thing about why I really don't like GWB, but I'm really not in the mood right now.  I'd rather go further my education while I am still able.  Bye.