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You knew it was coming, so here it is: my obligatory Links page. I think that you'll find them entertaining and/or useful. So with that being said, let's get into it, shall we? Yes it looks like just another boring list (because it is; I didn't feel like being creative) and yes, they are in no particular order:

Ashly's Corner. She's a really big dork. And one of my best friends.

Betsy's Rustic Internet Cottage. This page belongs to a friend of mine. Her poetry is probably the most beautiful I've ever read. She's also got some other pretty interesting stuff up there, so check her out.

Charles De Lint. He is probably my favourite author of all time (well, maybe second to Tolkien). His mythic fiction just kicks ass. Read his books and your outlook on life will change. I promise.

Endicott Studio of Mythic Arts. For those of you who've heard of Terri Windling, this is her site. It's got a great image gallery and fantastic writing. Go there!

The Surrealist Compliment Generator. All I have to say is that it's funny as hell. And hey, you might learn something.

The Good Book, also known as the Principia Discordia. Chock full of great humour. It always reminds me not to take myself so seriously.

The Poetry Archives. Go here for a wealth of poems by famous guys (and girls). I think they list complete works, but I could be wrong.

Representative Poetry Online. I have no idea what representative poetry is, but this page is like the poetry archives with more authors but less poems by each. Writing resources and such. Pretty useful. It's an Mp3 search engine. If you're into Mp3s, it's a reliable source.

The King James Bible. I'm not a very religious person, but it's not bad if you consider it as a literary work and not a religious text. But hey, feel free to consider it a religious text; far be it from me to dictate what you should believe.

The Wild Eggplant. This is a girl I don't know's page. I found it one day while I was surfing the net. She's got lots of her own writing on here and some other nice tidbits.

The Witches' Voice. For the pagan in all of us.

The poetry, books, art and music exchange site. Submit to them (that sounds funny).

net.Poetry. They have umm poetry and stuff. Find out the truth about Anarchy and Anarchists.

More truth, just of a different kind.

Eat The State!. They're a mag based out of Seattle. I think you should support them, but hey, that's just my opinion.

Well, that's it for now. If I find anything else that's useful, I'll post it. Have a nice day.