This month's meeting will be September 22nd at 7:30 P.M. in the Community Room of the Phillipsburg Town Hall. This month, Mitch Dakelman will present a "3D' slide show for our enjoyment. Thanks to Paul Carpenito for the great Lehigh Valley RR slide show last month. As always, refreshments will be available. Next month's show is set for the 27th if anyone needs to know.
ROLLING STOCK: Jersey Central Chapter members have asked that the CNJ caboose at Milford be donated to Liberty State Park. The caboose is not interchangeable because of a draft gear problem. Carl Loeser and Pete Terp inspected the caboose and decided to let it go if they can move it, if it can't be moved, we will find room for it in our collection. Also going to Liberty State Park is an ex-NJT, former CNJ GP7. Closer to home, nothing is happening with our equipment. We need to secure the cabooses and flanger before winter. Glenn Terminelli reports that shop manuals have been ordered for the "Cat" engines in the 45 tonner.
PROPERTY REPORT: It was reported last month that the Merritt property was to be sold at auction September 1st. I have heard nothing about the sale, where it leaves us is unknown at this time. Regarding the former CNJ property, mentioned in this newsletter last month, May of Phillipsburg, Gloria Decker, wrote a letter to the director of NJT asking for them to donate "PU" Tower and the ground it sits on, to the town. The letter was acknowledged and the mayor was told that a possible donation would be looked into. Conrail had to be consulted because of its location adjacent to CR property. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the town's 4.7 acres behind Sitgreaves Street. One side is long and narrow, the other is between CR's Lehigh main line and Washington Secondary, we need access to it, is that possible? These and other questions remain to be answered.
MINATURE RR REPORT: The box car that Norman Cole painted has been moved to Washington, New Jersey to be lettered. Along with it went an "O" scale LVRR box car from Norman's collection for a lettering diagram. Any move from Monmouth has been put on hold until our property situation is squared away.
FIREHOUSE REPORT: Unfortunately Rocky could not attend last month's meeting so I have no report from him. President Terp reported that the town has approved a ten year lease provided we fix the roof and windows. The roof has to be addressed as soon a possible so we are probably going to have to borrow money to fix it. Local banks will lend us the money. Your directors are working on this.