55 Sitgreaves St., Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865
Phone (908) 454-4848
This month we will meet on October 27th, at 7:30 P.M. in the Community Room of the Phillipsburg Town Hall. This month, Alan Bellis and Pete Terp will present a slide show on the recently held NRHS Convention in Chicago. Thanks go out to Mitch Dakelman for last month's show. The film of the fan trip on the L&HR was great! As always, refreshments will be available. NOTE, next month's meeting will be a week earlier on November 17th because of THANKSGIVING!
ROLLING STOCK: Not too much happening, Jim Anderson reports that our cabooses and flanger need to be secured before winter. We have some tarps to do the job, he needs some help! Anyone with a short extension ladder and no fear of heights, see Jim at our next meting or call (215) 252-4046.
FIREHOUSE REPORT: Rocky Rockafellow reports Phillipsburg Town Council has changed their mind! Last month our ten year lease was all but approved, we even received a draft copy for our approval! The language of which was not entirely acceptable to us but there were no major problems. This month they rescinded their vote. Our ten year lease, at an annual fee of $1, with us replacing the roof and fixing the windows was changed. Now they are offering us only a five year lease but costing us $1000.00 a year, with the town doing all necessary repairs! Supposedly the town had no money to do any repairs, where they're coming up with it remains to be seen. Whatever the case, roof repair must be addressed before winter.
MINATURE RR REPORT: Bob Kelly tells me not much happening. Firehouse lease not approved, we need it so that we'll have a place to work this winter. Sites to set up railroad still being considered. Monmouth County still storing some of our equipment. We need to locate a safe storage area and get it moved. Volunteers needed to repair/refurbish equipment stored at firehouse. See Bob at our meeting if you have time to help!
TOWER PROJECT: Rocky reports that earlier this month a letter to NJT was prepared for Mayor Decker's signature. We're asking for permission to access the tower and clean up the area before the Black Bridge is re-opened. It is hoped that if we are permitted to do so, enough members will respond to do such work! We are hopeful that a response will arrive before our member meeting.